Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Somebody thank the Lord and go into a shout! I have been waiting for this day since I got back from Chicago! Usually I budget myself very well but with the new additions coming in, my budget got stretched. I am just glad I made it to today! I know everyone is getting hit hard by the gas prices, but why did I pay $2.60 for 87!!!!! I usually get 89 because of the age of my car and I would have to take out a bank loan to even consider 93! LOL! While talking to the gas man, he told me that he is expecting the prices to rise 30-50 cent! If I didn't have many places to be I would carpool or take public transportation!

Hmmmm what happened yesterday? Nothing really. A chick from my class could not believe that I was 25. I took something out of my bag saw Pooka's hairbows and I mentioned how my daughter is always stashing her stuff in different places. The chick asked me if I just said "my daughter"


"How old is she?"


"Oh wow, so you had her at 13/14?"

(I burst out in laughter) "21"

"How old are you?"


"no your not"

(more laughter) "yes I am"

"you look like your 18"

(still laughing)

I know I have always looked younger than I was, but 18! That tripped me out! I smiled about that the whole day! The same chick mentioned that I should lock my hair. This would make the 3rd person to say this to me. I still toggle back and forth on the issue. If I do decide to lock my hair it won't be soon.

K-digga had her interview. From what she said it went well. When hired she will only have 20 hours a week to start with. Depending on how well she does she increases money and hours. I hope she works it out. Whitebrotha is still waiting by the phone for a call back. He should have one by Friday or the middle of next week. They told me that they did some networking and found some places around my way that do a rent by income type deal. For everyone's benefit, I hope that's true and everything pans out.

Dat's bout it....


The Foxybrown Show said...

Happy Payday!

WHY am I wondering what you are gonna buy first?

WHY am I mad I left my wallet home and can't buy shit this morning...

WHY am I writing all of this on your blog!

See you on the show!

Tz said...

Loc it! Loc it! Loc it! LOL

I get that you look yonger all of the time. LOL Yesterday at work an 18 yo asked me for my #. I was like...... as long as you don't mind the fact that I have a son almost your age! LOL