Last night was not very pleasant. I have officially made Redbone sex of the past!
A few days ago I hit Redbone up to see if he wanted to go see Emily Rose (mistake #1). I can't recall if I explained Redbone on my blog so just in case I have not....Redbone is the first dude I dated (with sex involved) after I left baby daddy. It didn't work out. We became sex buddies. That didn't work out so he became a break in case of oral emergency type person. He didn't handle me drifting from him well and always used to contact me day in and day out. After about 2 months he finally stopped calling/emailing. I should have let the dead lay but NOOOOOOOOOOO!
Anyways I hit him up and that started up conversation amonst us. He hit me up yesterday and asked if I wanted to hang out with him last night. I told him I was not interested in having sex cuz I knew that was what he meant. He goes on and on about how it's not like that and since he hasn't seen me in awhile he just wants to chill, no I went after class(mistake #2). I get there and we did chill, watched some ESPN, then the sex topic came up. I once again told him I was not in the mood. He kept on and on and on for a good 20-30 minutes and I just said okay (mistake #3). He undresses me, I lay on the bed, he goes to give me oral and I tell him NOT to (pick your mouth up off the floor....) , he straps up, gets on top and starts to find his rhythm. The only problem with that is I didn't feel him insert. I am just laying there in utter disbelief cuz I have heard about situations like this but I never really experienced it. It just felt like he was nudgeing it against me. He is just pumping along doing his thing while I laid there sound and motionless. He may as well been having sex with a fresh warm corpse. He finishes and goes to the restroom. I tried to dress quickly and leave before he got out but it didn't work. He asked why I was leaving and I just told him I had to go. We hug.(mistake 4, should have st8 up left) I bounce.
Driving down the highway I felt so disgusting.....I needed a hot bath. On the way home I pass Lookalike's so I call him up and ask if I can come over. He tells me to come on. To this moment don't ask me why I called him, I don't know. I go over there and I tell him what happened. He babied me and tried to make me laugh. It was actually kind of cute. Watched some TV, plinked around on the computer, blah blah blah. He earned a brownie point or 2. I go home, bathe and go to bed.
Today was the DMV and work. I think I spoke to soon about me training people cuz I am training a girl today and Monday (hence the late post and prolly no post Monday, we'll see). I pick Whitebrotha up from his first day of work tonight. Mommy got a call back from a store in the mall. I am still praying for K-digga.
1 comment:
girl... that was a scene outta Waiting to Exhale... LOL...
makes me think of my single days... keep on keepin on!
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