Thursday, October 13, 2005

And I still can't cry

I would save this till tomorrow but daggone!

KD and WB didn't get the apartment. Apparently they don't have enough credit. They need a co signer and I be a fool to co sign for them. I suggested they get up with KD's brotha or aunt to help them out cuz I can't do it!

Right now I am supposed to be in my Bio lab but since I was 20 minutes late thanks to the *foul lanquage* State vs Clemson game folks trying to get to Carter Finley all at the same flippin time I couldn't get in class. I knew from the first day of class that if you were 15 minutes or more late to a lab you won't get in, but what was I supposed to do. By time I picked up Pooka from daycare I was making excellent time. I would have been to class about 10-15 minutes EARLY! So now I have to take a hit in my lab grade. I am pissed about that. On the bright side it allowed me to spend some time at the school library and do more research for a paper due soon. Which I should be getting back to now.
