Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Darn :-(

Well my supervisor, administrator, and I had a meeting about me doing school stuff during work hours. I had a feeling it was coming since I didn't change my screen when my supervisor came to speak to me yesterday. This is funny cuz I don't really do my school work here....I blog and read blogs here! LOL! I can't wait till I find the solution to my laptop problem!

LAL kinda caught me sideways last night when he asked me how K-Digga's mom was doing. Apparently she told her supervisor that her mom was sick and that's why she left early and didn't go in yesterday. So when her super saw LAL at work yesterday, (he hooked her up with the job), he asked LAL how her mom was doing. She told me that she hurt her back. I pray that this was just a miscommunication on her supervisors part. This job is too important to her and to me for her to mess it up! I turned them on to a loft/studio type apartment cross the way near NC State. Hopefully this will work. With my light bill once again in the triple digits this month, I don't know how much more I can afford.


1 comment:

That Girl said...

Girl, I had a meeting like that at my old admin job only mine was about IMing people...I feel like it should not matter as long as you do your job...hate them nosey ass bosses.