Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fuggin' it up

Well more time has gone by and I still found no physical affection :-( It's funny cuz this morning in bio the white guy who sits behind me walked up with some new facial hair looking all cute (nicely trimmed mustache connecting to the beard with the gotee.....MY FAVORITE) so I gave him a compliment and let it go. It's funny cuz I just saw dude the Tuesday before thanksgiving....one week ago! His hair grow fast or I just haven't been paying attention.....lol

But that's not this is about.....it's about me being over analytical. More than a few people told me that I need to stop being so analytical. This is on everything but expecially in the the romantic relationship area. Now I always called it watching the signs cuz everyone knows that people tend to date in patterns. But it's starting to be a problem. Someone else told me this today and all I could think was "Am I really that bad?" Since I never knew I had this issue till now, I don't know how to deal with it? I don't want this to affect how the world deals with me. I search the net for some clues but nothing helped. Can I really be carefree and not think so much about crap or trying to find meaning in everything? Can I really solve my problem when I don't think it's a problem?Who knows?

It's been raining like I dunno what for the past few days and people don't know how to drive in the rain. I seen 3 close calls to accidents cuz people think they can go 75 miles an hour when it's raining so hard you can barely see. Oh well.

I think I pissed LAL off. After he igged me last night I left him a message apologizing for the things I could possibly have done wrong to have him igg me. I also said that I would leave it up to him to get back with me. Of course I don't get a call or anything today and when I got home I saw him online. I debated on IM'ing him but I had to know if he got my message and if he was offended by anything I said yesterday. He had a long rough day and really didn't feel like being bothered yesterday, but he could have told me.......so after that I told him I would leave him alone cuz I knew it was a late night at his first job and he was working and everything was all good......until I saw one of my favorite songs on his launchcast, I clicked on it but a different song came up so I IM'ed asking a launchcast question and he logged off (or went stealth). I am guessing that I was bothering him while he was trying to work and the only way he could progress was to go invisible, at least to me. I don't really like him not in a good mood. I don't like it even more when I think I at catalyst to his irritation. I don't want him to be ill at me but all I know how to do is apologize. I am just fuggin' it up.

Now I gotta study for math....yeaaaaaaaaaa *smirk*. My classmate who got hit wasn't in class yesterday and he has been on my mind alot. All I keep seeing is him laying on the wet pavement trying to get up. I swear if I see him in the obituaries I will be no good....and I don't know dude like that. He is just the guy who sits 2 seats behind me in math. All I can do is pray his injuries where minor at worst. :-(

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