Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know it isn't till tomorrow....I also know that I will be online tomorrow, but still happy holiday!

My aunt finally accepted that I didn't want to go to the family function *gasp* so right about now she is sitting at cousin suchandsuch's house with my other cousins diagnosising me with holiday depression or some crap like that. Cuz how dare someone not want to be around the family on Thanksgiving right! *smirk* whatever. If all goes as planned, one of the family gossip crew will call me to see how I am doing since I am all down and out and all so she can report back to the other members of the family gossip crew.......whatever!

Mommy and I went grocery shopping so I get my wish....watching Macy's parade and football in my underwear with a special drink in hand. I won't be completely alone like I wanted, but I will let mommy and pooka pass this time. I think I may fire up the grill. Grocery store had some fat steaks on discount (which means cook soon or freeze 'em) so we gonna be eating lovely!

Today I renewed a personal ad and guess who of all people read it.......LAL! We are in mist of some conversations right now so I won't post nothing till I know what's up. Just know that I am a self proclaimed Sybil. My mood swings a lot and I am capable of being a completely different person right now than I was 10 minutes ago. For instance, this morning I was in tears (poor pityful me), now I am in don't give a *bleep* mode. I think this 4 day weekend will give me a chance to swallow the fact that what I want is unrealistic and unfair and I may have to change my view of things. *sidenote* Why do some people think because you are overweight/obese/fat/plush/big boned/whatever you wanna term it... that you are desperate for attention/easy to get in bed/that they can talk to any kind of way and you don't mind being disrespected???? What kind of BS is that? I swear ingnorance is in abundance!

K-Digga, Whitebrotha, and K-Digga's cousin came by last night to get there stuff. Looking back I could have been more host like, her cousin WAS with them an all. But I just opened the door, said hello and went to my room. A few minutes later I heard the door close and I went back out to lock the door. Praise GOD!!!!!! I have heard the phrase "You can't help someone that don't want to be helped" but mercy! I don't think I can go through that again. But it's partially my fault. They did the same thing to other friends and family, that's how they ended up homeless in the first place. Why in the world did I think they wouldn't do dumb ish like that to me? Oh well! Part of me wonders if I will ever see them again, but the other part of me don't really care!

Well pray that I figure out what I THOUGHT I knew about my life sometime soon, it's starting to get frustrating!
