Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Since the last time....

A whole lot of stuff has happened. I don't know if I can remember it all. Then add on the fact that I am tired as HECK right now I am quite sure Imma miss something or a lot of somethings....here we go

On the pumkin patch field trip I caught 2 4 year olds playing adult show and tell. Then proceeded to get into conversation with this smart mouthed little girl, the same from show and tell and just too grown for her age. I wanted to snatch her up and shake her but I ain't her momma so I did it the socially appropriate way and spoke with her. Blah Blah Blah

Had a wonderful regular conversation with baby daddy. It kinda made me remember why I engulfed myself in him years ago. Then reality smacked me in the back of the head and reminded me of the asshole core. Yada yada yah

On my way back from class one night I ran out of gas. My car stopped right in front of a car dealership. More than one friend said that that was a sign! LOL I am sooooo not ready for a car payment again. But fortunately LAL helped me out and I am back on the road......

I am starting to burn out of my job. Even now where my schedule varies, I don't like to go. I know I need the job to pay the bills. But I don't enjoy it very much anymore. I am ready for change. It's crazy, I go to work and look at the work and ask myself do I really have to do this?.....

I went to hang out with Hair and crew Sunday. They are always good for a side splitting/sexually charged night. We are doing it again in November. This time I may actually bring someone with me. Since my split with Babydaddy everytime we all hang out, I am the only one without someone and they pick at me about it. So I am gonna flip the script on 'em. This should be fun depending on who goes with me. Right now LAL says he is gonna go with me, but I don't think that's 100%. We'll see......

Yesterday I tried to do the Halloween thing, I really did, but I just couldn't get with it. I took Pooka to her God-siblings house for the whole trick or treat thing and party afterward. Pooka made me so mad (momma too) that I was about to cancel going out last night. But I hadn't seen my homegirl in a minute so I went to see her. I didn't allow Pooka to go trick or treating with the kids though......

Right now, I am trying my best to stay awake at the library. I have to meet with my advisor in about an hour so I can register for next semester. Part of me wishes that my job won't like my new schedule change and fire me. I know that I really don't want to be fired. I know that I got a decent job with benefits and if I lost it I would be in a bad situation, but it still crosses my mind......

.....that's about it.....

WB and KD are still being them. I have not seen them put forth any effort to apply for places. KD got her nails "did" WB got some new clothes and more cd's, dvd's so from my prospective they have decided to live their last 19 days stupidly. But then again, I try my best to never be home so I dunno what they may or may not be doing.

BTW, we are not pregnant anymore. That was fast wasn't it?

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