Friday, January 06, 2006


I can see this is gonna continue to be a multi post day......

The majority of my office has started this exercise thing during breaks and they walk during lunch. To date I have not joined in on all the "fun". Thus I am now a "spoiled sport". I am sorry, but I just don't find you watching me and my rolls flab and swing about just so you can talk about me round the water cooler fun. I'd rather be on my trail with people who don't know me or anything about me except that I am getting my walk on. Go away. I know yall are getting with it. Just get with it somewhere else outside my office. Close my door when you leave!

How you gonna brag about all the reps you did this morning and have a half of pizza for lunch???? Wasn't you complaining this morning about how you had to lay on the bed to get into those pants this morning? You can't suggest crap to me. Sing your song to yourself! Matter of fact, sing it in your head cuz I don't wanna know nothing about it!

So what I eat lunch in my office! I don't wanna be in the break room with yall counting up the points I am consuming or telling me how much better my lunch would be if I added this or took that away. I AM NOT NOR CARE TO BE ON WEIGHT WATCHERS NO MATTER HOW MUCH I MAY BENEFIT!!!!!!!!! Or better yet, you telling me how good my lunch looks. Can you just get off my plate? It not my fault your 3 day diet only allows you 2 carrot sticks for lunch! GO AWAY! I know my weight management goals and just cuz I don't go running around the office telling people my goals don't mean I don't have 'em. So why do you feel you can share with me what YOU think I should do....STEP OFF! I heard it before the first time and apparently "Thanks but no thanks" is not a good enough answer for yall. I am glad you got your star for you. I will applaude you on every goal you reach if you want me too.

I eat alone not to deal with yall, to check my net stuff, and those other damn issues I have with eating in public. GO AWAY!!!! I appriciate the concern you may or may not have for me, but I got this...I got me. Just worry about you.

I know what I look like.....I know my health numbers.....I know what needs to be done.....don't waste your time playing nutritionist with me. GO AWAY!!!!!! Just go the heck away. All of you!

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