Wednesday, February 22, 2006

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Today I gotta doctor's appointment for my tri monthly depo shot. My appointment was on Feb. 13th but I wasn't gonna be doing anything to need the shot so naturally I forgot about it! LOL! Everytime I go they have to check your basic stats, tell me something about my weight and give me a shot. Now forgive me for being ungrateful, but don't the doctor's know that I KNOW I need to lose weight? So why tell me each and every time about how even losing 10% of my weight would make my life better? I know that, I know I need to lose, I look at myself everyday. I know what the deal is. I know the compounding problems that come with being "obese". I am also aware of how to rectify the problem and I have been trying to do it the right way for about 2 years now. So yeah, I am looking forward to my appointment. Since I missed my first appointment I have to get and PAY for a preg test! ROFL Now that is funny! Can I at least be practicing with someone to have to take a test?

Speaking of practicing, I have been teaching myself the art of self love to prevent me hurting someone. So the night before last I had my fun and games along with the media on my bed. I normally put it up after I am done with it but that night I was being lazy and just left it all on the bed. Now once a quarter my landlord and them come by to do inspections *check the smoke detector, change the filter, blah blah blah* My notice said that they where going to be doing inspection on my street Feb 7th-10th. So I made sure my place was trump tight that week. For some reason they don't decide to come to my place until YESTERDAY!!!!!

When I walked in my door and saw the filter leaning against the wall I immediately started looking around my house to see exactly what condition they saw my house in. I don't let my place get bad in general, but I had my dirty underclothes on the floor by the washing machine, half a sink of dishes, the floor could have used a vacuum, clothes unfolded and not put away, stuff like that....if I had to grade my house I would have given it a B so I am not worried about them saying something about the overall cleaness of the place!

But as soon as I walked in my room, all my adult fun was still across my bed from the night before! The ONE time I didn't put my stuff up and they decide to inspect my place!!!! So I know the landlord and them now think I am some kind of freak a leek! I know they went back to the office and told folk about what they saw in my bedroom! It's kinda embarrassing. I usually drop my rent check off in person, but I think I will need to start sending it through mail cuz I don't wanna walk in and they give me that look like "ummm hmmmm I know what your freaky butt is into.....nasty!" Then not wanna take my check cuz it's been in my hand! LOL

Why couldn't they have just come by when the letter said they were? Sheesh!


LUVIN ME said...

ROTFLOL...You are too much!

The Foxybrown Show said...

Now you know that is some bull kah kah!

Mrs A. said...

AW DAYUM!!!! i feel for you on that....puh-lease mail your check cuz you already know they are cracking up in that office :-P prolly cuz they are repressed their damn selves!!!

Ladynay said...

I am laughing along with all of yall!

Special hellos to Miss A and Hot spot. Welcome! Come back to see me every once and awhile to see if I am still breating ;-D

nikki said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! that's the funniest ish evar! gotta put the toys