Monday, February 20, 2006

So ummmm yeah.....

Today marks the start of another work/school week *insert sarcastic sounds of happiness*. Last friday the weather folks were saying that we were gonna have ice and all that stuff Sunday night-Monday morning. So as I got up excited to see just how bad it was......there was nothing! It is a little chilly out, but definitely not a stay at home cuz the roads are bad type situation as predicted! :-(

The weekend was boring. I did have more of my emotional issues going on. As much as I like being all alone SUCKS sometimes! I have been missing Pooka a lot these past few days. I can't wait till I see her in about 2 weeks! Then it's that companion thing. I know for a fact I am not ready for a one on one relationship, but I don't even have no one to call on for a hug anymore. I mean T-Lo is having some family issues and is keeping to himself, so there is no telling when he'll resurface.....LAL got his fiancee, even tho' he says he is single.....Eyecandy is married *I forgot to blog about that*.....I COULD call and actually considered calling *sigh* Redbone, but I don't wanna even attempt to reopen a chapter that it took me sooo long to close. I knew it was getting bad when I had thoughts of Redbone last night.

I ended up talking to baby daddy over IM last night again *he was the only one online on my buddy list* and on hindsight maybe I shouldn't have told him how bad my love life sucks right now, but oh well, what's typed is typed. Turns out that I may have to drive up to get Pooka for her appointments after all. Baby daddy isn't completely sure if his new ride can make the trip, but he is supposed to test it out one day this week and let me know if he is comfortable with the trip. So I may be home in about 2 weeks, but I won't have time to visit folk until if and when I come up for Easter DANI. *I can't find where you asked me that on the blog*

Short story on Eyecandy....

My chemistry study buddy has another class with him...
During a break in classes I saw her sitting at a table with him...
I roll up and ease my way into the convo through study buddy...
Study buddy not knowing we have a class together introduces us...
We talk and exchange numbers...
We talk a few times...
His wife called me...
The end.


LUVIN ME said...

Those d*** wives! But seriously, I feel you on the living alone issue. It feels good to have your own space, but it does get lonely sometimes.

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwww dang the wife called you...whoa that is know living alone is not all it is cracked up to be. When the kids are gone for a weekend, by day the middle of Saturday I'm like "Ok now what" yeah there is a difference between alone and lonely. I'm learning how to savor being alone without sucking the life out of me and leaving me in Lonely territory.

The Sarccastik Variable Why said...

his wife's

Ladynay said...

Mel - It's really funny reading that from you! LOL

Luv - I am ready for some company, and it don't even have to be male company like that.

MzA - The first week I had without Pooka, I was completely lost! LOL You gotta teach me how to deal with the difference!

Stac - *rubbing my eyes, staring back at the screen, rubbing eyes again* Ummmmmm, where the *insert foul word* you been Ms. Lady???? Huh? What?

I got some novelties girl, beleive that, but my double and triple A friends can't hold you like I need sometimes.

Oh that reminds me....Why is one of the novelty shops I go to is right next door to a fellowship hall that has a 20 foot wooden Jesus with a cross!!!!!! The statue gotta be pretty new cuz it wasn't there the last time I went. Girl I got out the car and was looking dead at Jesus with wooden cross. I stood their feeling real bad for a minute, then I went into the store! LOL

I mean, I was doing the right thing cuz I COULD have been seeking my kicks from someone else's man! LOL

Ladynay said...

Sarcastik - I don't need wifey drama...he is extremely attractive but it ain't worth it.....

N4R said...

STOP IT!!! The wife did not call you!!! That sucks...

Yeah today it is cold as hell. My winker was shriveled up and stuff crying for worth. Tried to curse me out, I wasn't haven't I was just as cold. Catching the bus ub the bitter cold is a trip when you winker starts to cuss you out. Time for a car for sure. LOL

Superstar Nic said...

Girl I'm LMAO @ the eyecandy!!!!

Damn! That is so messed up!

I can relate to the living alone thingy!

M-Dubb said...





See? This is why I'm single and niggas be pimpin!

Ladynay said...

Stac - I think they do it on purpose, put an adult sto' right by a place that deals with someone's religion, usually Christianity! LOL

Diz - you are 100% correct! I have been on that end of things 2

N4R - Oh yes she did! Also, Imma need you not to talk about your unmentionables around me right now! ROFL You'll have your car in no time ;-)

Xtc - Girl between the mouth jewelry and the wife, I was through!

M-dubb - it makes me ill that cuties like you are single! *sigh*

Newy said...

Girl...get some hobbies...outside interests. I stopped making my whole being include them. See around 11/12 they stop wanting to hang witcha all the time so you better get sumtin else ta do LOL
;-) Mine are 16(soon to be 17) and 10 (turning 11 in aug) they don't wanna hang wit momma *snickers* so I have learned that alone doesn't mean lonely, you just gotta get to know you so you know what you like to do...take yourself to a movie...*don't hold a seat for your alter ego or they will get you a nice white sweater with extra long sleeves and put you in a nice white room while you hug yourself.* (smile)