I took my first big test for Chemistry. It was an electronic test so I got my results right after I took it. I didn't get an A.....or B.....and that's all Imma say about that. I must admit seeing that the class average was a 72 made me feel "slightly" better, but I am discouraged. I have put 90 percent of my study time into this class and it's my perspective that I should of at least got a B. I was confident that I would do well because I put the time in!!! I just sat there and yeah I wanted to cry. By my blogging I realize that I cry alot! LOL
Anyways...it took awhile for me to get over myself and a classmate who I study with sometimes had me cracking up! She took his Chem 1 class last semester and she told me about how she had a breakdown in class and ending up yelling at him in front of the class and stormed out! That thing was funny to me cuz all I could think of was this little bitty redhead girl, mad as fire with a face to match her hair, screaming at Dr. Shorty! Too funny! But I know the feeling it's easy to get frustrated in his class. He is forever saying "I can't teach you everything that you are responsible to know"! I can't stand when he says that. I am a hands on type learner. I can't just read something and completely understand what the deal is, at least not with this chemistry stuff! If I wanted to take an online class I would have, but I chose to be in the classroom so a teacher can break stuff down. My study buddy came out the class with a B and she gave me pointers on what to do to pass his class. I wish she would have told me that earlier!!!!
Other than that, I left a project right beside my laptop at home that was due yesterday. I put it in my bag this weekend because I thought it was due Monday vs. Wednesday. But I didn't remember that I took it out to rearrange some things and didn't put it back in. So there I am sitting in class...I go to pull my work out my bag and it dawns on me that it's at home!!! There isn't any make ups in my speech class so I was FORCED to swallow a ZERO! I don't do zeros! Failing is better than a zero, cuz at least it shows an attempt! I didn't even bother to try to explain what happened to my teacher. She has been teaching for years and I'm sure she's heard it all before. So yeah, that just put the icing on the chemistry test cake!
Ouch...Tough break. Dry your tears, you'll turn it around!
yes, well over ten years. It was in the fall of my 2nd grade, they pulled out my wisdom teeth..,. 12th grade... ten years... 17... now 21... 14 years!! it's be 15 this fall... haha! wow!
and omg, I would have DIED if I had found out I left my work at home! I have a teacher who calls roll, and asks for your projects while she does it, if you don't have it, she calls you out IN CLASS, and is like "why don't you have it?" (she does the same thing with absenses "why weren't you here yesterday?" blah blah) and she DOES NOT accept any type of make up, you need to hand it in right then or NEVER!
No worries, I'm sure I will be posting about her closer to the end of the semester and my presentation gets closer. She doesn't bullshit ever. She will kick you out of the class if she hears your cellphone ring, will fail you if she ever catches you plagerizing, etc...
Now all this said, she and I are fucking cool. She helps me with my work, she gave me advice on my recent situation (I had her last semester), and is even helping me write my Anthropology paper (she's my Sociology prof) and finding sources for me. So she's awesome.
But yea, I know how you feel about getting tests back and not doing as well as you thought you did. I got a 70 on my last Anthro test, and I studied, I even had a cheat sheet! But it didn't have all the info on it thatI needed, so that sucks... I also got a paper back with a 98, but I think I should have gotten a 100 because I worked really hard on it. So I re-wrote it and handed it back in.
Oh yea... don't cry... you'll make me cry! :-( I am like a ball of emotions lately and it sucks! I can't eat or sleep, so crying will just about kill me!
Sorry this was so long!
Awwwwwww you'll do better next time
Don't feel so bad about the test. Chemistry is not an easy subject by any means. You'll get it, you may just need to study a bit more and don't be afraid to ask for help if its something that you don't understand!
what a sucky day in academia land. YUCK.
tomorrow will be brand new with no mistakes in it. keep ya head up, sis!
I've done the same thing. But you know all I had to do was run home and get it. I was back in 5 min! LOL
You should have asked if you could email it when you got home. Or try and bring it the next day. Did you ask?
Luvin - Let's hope
Mel - I am mad you gave an 98 back! LOL
MzA - I better! LOL
XTC - That's the problem! There is no more time to study (unless you take away the hour 1/2-2 hour blog/email time) LOL
Nikki - I am trying
TZ - the first day of class she said that basically if you don't turn it in when it's due, don't bother...so I didn't bother
Dani - WRITER???? ROFL!!! Remind me the next time that I am home to slap you! LOL
Diz - I know...Where's my ab picture? Also I am on day one of the spicy lemonade! LOL
Hang in there...girl, I am the worst test taker ever. I must've failed every multiple choice test I took in college...thank God that I was a journalism major and most of my tests were written.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
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