Wednesday, March 29, 2006

3 men, 3 brotha's, 3 doctors........

*gasp* I am in!!!!!

Maybe it's was my computer at work, but I have been having the darndest time with Blogger this morning! :0(

Anyways...last night I was required to go to a lyceum series. All I knew was that I had to write a critique on what these 3 men had to say. I was not really all that enthused about driving to campus on a day their isn't class. But let me tell you I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I went! It was the motivational message that I needed to hear. When one doctor spoke (Dr. Hunt) I felt like those few Sunday's when your sitting in the pew and you swear the pastor is talking straight to you or about you! It was on of them things! At then end of Dr. Hunt's speech I was standing up! The other 2 were good, but Dr. Hunt is the one that spoke to me. The basic message that I took home with me last night was to keep going, no matter what, no matter how long it seems to take, just keep going!

It was so refreshing to see young black boys of all ages paying attention to what these men had to say. Hopefully a few of them left last night with a piece of mind! People from all walks were there last night, but it was the young elementary/middle school looking boys that I was happy to see there and listening.

I highly recommend the 3 doctors to come speak at any school. Especially one's in the inner city. Some may not get the message, but for the ones that do, it would be worth while. My favorite doctor (Dr. Hunt, the short dark one) has been arrested, almost got kicked out of college the first year for beating someone down, and now this man is a doctor! Who says a criminal record tarnishes you for life? Don't except no for an answer! Keep going!

They also have a couple of NY bestsellers out now. Since I am not the one to carry hard cash, and they didn't have a credit/debit machine thing....I didn't have the money to buy the book "The Pact" and have them sign it. My feelings are still hurt. By time I would have got to the ATM cross campus and came back, they would have been gone :-(

I want to share the website with my friends, blog buddies, and whomever may read me today the 3 doctors website. This tells a bit about there story and what they are about.


Tz said...

Girl you should have told them the delimma. They might have waited! I have done that before. I love to collect signed books.

nikki said...

that sounds like an amazing seminar! dang! i wish i had been there.

i think i'm gonna buy 'the pact' though.

Waddie G. said...

I have heard of them...they seem like very inspiring men.

feels good b n FREE said...

i heard of these guys...
they really are awesome!
wish i coulda been there.

Ladynay said...

HAHAHAHA I am glad yall understood what I wrote, it took me all of 3 or 4 minutes! LOL

TZ - I wasn't thinking girl, they may have waited.

Nikki - I know I am gonna buy me a copy......unsigned :-(

GQ - They are an inspiration on the real!

Lisa - Honey, it was more than just interesting! It was awesome!

DR&C - Just think, if there wasn't a grade attached to me being there, I would have missed it! The message just for me!

Superstar Nic said...

I saw these guys story on one of the news programs like "60 minutes" or something like that. Their story is truly amazing. They are so blessed and will continue to be blessed for the work they are doing!

Ladynay said...

Xtc - definitely! They gets 2 thumbs and big toes up in my book!

Ladynay said...

Okay I think they set this up so I can't blog at work!

I can log in, but I can't create a post! :-(

I posted at school yesterday so it has to be this system here at work!

UGH! Help!

LUVIN ME said...

I wish i could have been there too!

~HoustonNY~ said...

I think I heard about them before. One of my friends went to hear them speak and they referred to something called Landmark Education. It is suppose to be phenominal. They may have a website. I will try to find it. I was thinking of taking the seminar courses and after I heard they endorced it, that was all I needed. I will track down the info and post it on my blog.

Quaheem said...

Ahh I believe these three brothers are from my home state...NJ..

truly an inspirational story they have...I certainly hope the young men there took something away from that...