Thursday, March 23, 2006

Eyecandy and Lalah Hathaway

Well for some odd reason Eyecandy was everywhere I was on campus yesterday. Wednesday's are the days I pretty much spend all day on campus. I may cross him once or twice during the day, then of course during class, but but he just seemed to pop up everywhere! Ever since his wife called me I haven't spoken to him. Well not unless you count the eye rolls and the "you sexy lying sonofab****" non verbal stuff. I must confess tho', when we left out of class he was about 10 feet ahead of me and I had to look at his backside....just had to! I sorta kinda wished I would have been able to see him naked before I found out about his marital status. Cuz just by looking at the way his clothes rest on him, he is nice, thick and solid....hmph! But it's all good, cuz he is a cheater and I don't need another one of those.

On the way home I caught the last little bit of a advertisment for the Lalah Hathaway concert. This was the first time I heard that she was coming to town and she'll be here SUNDAY!!!!!!! Her PR people suck cuz we shouldn't be just hearing about a concert right before the actual concert! She is coming to a small venue, but still they could have gave more warning. I listen to the radio everyday in the car and sometimes at work. None of my friends or associates have mentioned it or nothing. It's not that I am her number one fan, but I like her enough to spend money to go see her. At first I was trying to see who I could take with me, then I thought that no one was really availible on weekends. That's most of my local friends and associates bun bun lovey dovey time *I need some single friends :-(* and I'll be darn if I invite a couple to go forcing me to be the odd wheel out. So I am taking myself. Sure it's awkward to go to a concert alone, but I like my own company every now and again.


nikki said...

it's aiight that you go to the concert alone. i'm considering doing the same thing and i'm IN a relationship. LOL

lalah is gonna be here in the next couple of weeks so i think i'm gonna go get a ticket to check her out. i just recently re-purchased her first cd. i remember playing the HELL out of that cd. she's so talented and her stylings reminds me alot of her father.

meljoy said...

I have NEVER been to a concert by myself. That's all you :-) What kind of music is it? Technically you can go to a rock show by yourself because you will make friends with whoever is next to you trying to kick your brains out, but preferably, I like to have a guy with me to block some of the idiots.

Hint: If you really wanna see someone, check their website :-) OR you can sign up for ticketmaster to send you an email when tickets are announced for the show.

Ladynay said...

Nikki - she is talented indeed. I probably would not go by myself if I had the option.

Mel - She is an R&B/Soul artist. I would never ever ever ever go to a concert like Flogging Molly or Alkanine Trio alone! ROFL! With Lalah, you'll have an older crowd and the hypest the crowd may get maybe to stand and rock SMOOTHLY from side to side. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Jameil said...

girl i went to the talib kweli concert alone. it was great. its very liberating. you don't have to think about anyone but yourself b/c you're the only person you know. you can just be yourself. and you know what. now that i think about it, i went to the john legend concert alone too (that's b/c as media i got in for free). both of them were great. do it.

and your boy eye candy. boooo. so wack. you shoulda seen my face when you said, before his wife called. i'm going to go pick it up now. pardon me.

Ladynay said...

Jameil - I would love to see TK in concert, him and MosDef together would be hot hot hot! You lucky to have access to some shows like that!

Paula D. said...

Girl do your thing!

lj said...

I would go to the concert alone on a minute.....but I'm one of those loner types.

Emotionalbrotha said...

Amen to taking urself on a date, shyt sometimes I do that and it's less expensive.. and you aint got to worry bout giving none up at the end of the night..