Friday, March 03, 2006

My evening with Hair

Yesterday my girl Hair invited me over to her house to celebrate her baby girls birthday. Since everyone had life going on, I was the only person there. When I came in the door the kids were all giving me my "hey aunt Ladynay" greeting and hugs, then they were looking around and asked me where Pooka was. When I told them she was with Baby Daddy they asked where he was. I told them DC and the oldest child says "Man! Uncle Baby daddy is STILL in DC? Does he live there or something?" This took me back a moment. Nobody really told the kids that Baby Daddy and I lived in separate houses now, just like their mother's live in separate houses. So they were thinking Baby Daddy was just vacationing in DC! It's been over 2 years since they have seen Baby Daddy and it was only till last night that they realized Pooka had 2 houses like they did. Then I was requested by the birthday girl to call Pooka and Uncle baby daddy to tell them that her birthday is saturday and that she missed them! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW She is so precious......when she wanna be!

Hair is on a mission to keep me out of the house. I am an laid back introverted homebody. Always have been, but it's Hair's theory that I am becoming more under the rock and she has to put a stop to it. Which prompted the dinner invite. LOL. We chat, she cooks, we eat, we sing the birthday song, her baby girl opens her gifts, we eat cake, then she sends the kids to bed.....right after cake......*smh* Then Hair and I engage in grown folk convo which was really nice.

We talked entertainment, politics, food, relationships, family, Row vs. Wade...all that. But the thing about Hair is that she is very intelligent. Her normal vernacular doesn't consist of the everyday verbage everyone else uses. She doesn't do it intentionally, it's always been that way. So every blue moon she would break out a word or situation and I would give her that "now you KNOW I don't know what the heck you talkin' bout" look! LOL. It makes me feel dumb for a second, but I love it. It stimulates my mind, I can't explain it. Anywho, last nights "look" was from her telling me about the Shin Yag (I know that's not right) but it's a non american military group that has a both a political arm and militant terrorist arm. She is just going on and on and I stop her and ask, how do you know this stuff, cuz she swears up and down she isn't into politics but she knows a heck of a lot about not only our politics, but the politics of other countries. Her reply was basically she reads msnbc, yahoo news, cnn and 3 different news papers online, one of which is the NY Times. I found that funny cuz Dr. Fine from last semester does something similar *reading several news sources* and he speaks similar to her! I love listening to them and most people like that in general!

I told her about how I choose not to watch the news and read the paper because it's depressing. Then she goes on about how that's part of America's problem, we are sleep and by us as Americans being sleep we can't see that sh** is about to seriously hit the fan and we won't know what hit us. She said more but that is the jist of it. Lets just say by time we were done with the politic side of our conversation, I wanted to buy a subscription to the NY times and all that other stuff to stay informed. I must be in the know, I will no longer stay sleep to the big picture.

Anyways, we got our grown folk convo on till a little after 11 then I bounced. It was so nice not to be by myself last night. Real nice.

Tomorrow I go see my Pooka!!!!! It's been 2 months! I can't wait! If your reading this, say a quick little prayer for my travels this weekend if I cross your mind. I am leaving tomorrow and coming back Sunday, so I won't have much time to rest like I should. It's a short 4 hour drive, but still accidents happen no matter how long or short your travel distance is.


Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers safe and enjoy the time with your baby!

LUVIN ME said...
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LUVIN ME said...

Have a safe trip, and have fun with your baby!

Ladynay said...

MzA and Luvin - Thanks! I plan on it!

nikki said...

quick prayer for you to have a safe trip there and back!

and i'm like you with the news. it's depressing, but i'm realizing now that i've gotta stay abreast of things, even if i'm reading about how duplicitous america is.

Jameil said...

awww! that's great you get to see the baby! and i'm glad you want to become more informed. it drives me crazy when people say they don't watch/read the news. esp. b/c these are the main ones yellin at me 3 days after coretta scott king dies or something.

Ladynay said...

Nikki - yeah we gotta know a lil sumtin' sumtin'

Jamiel - LOL folks be yelling @ u

lj said...

Have a safe trip...I say again. What's wrong with sitting up in the house...nothing that's what.

Superstar Nic said...

LOL, girl when I read the title of this blog I thought you were about to tell a story about getting your hair done (smile).

Safe travels for you and have a great weekend w/your Pooka!!!!

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »