Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sorry for yah!

Today I had a profession presentation to do. All night last night I tried to find the best outfit to wear to do it. Most of my down to business suits fit me like a second layer of skin, so I couldn't wear those. My other attire is too Bobby Jones Gospel, so I couldn't wear that. My plain looking business wear is just too boring or faded, I couldn't wear that, this was for a grade so I can't be walking up in a faded outfit! LOL So I settled for a collared rust colored blouse and long black shirt. The split was to the thigh which is not professional but I was running out options. I am soooooooooooooo a tee shirt and jeans person and I feel very comfortable in that, but I can't deny that feeling when I put on a pair of hosiery. You can't help but to feel sexy as your pulling your hose up your leg. Or maybe that is just me. I usually get a run sometime in the first 2 hours of wear anyway.

The only way to make the outfit look bangin' was to wear an all in one *it's a fat girl thing* I love the way it makes me look, but I can't stand the way they cut you off "down there". LOL What makes these things worse is when you got one on and you got to go to the bathroom! I still can't figure out the best way to get them latches unlatched without peeing on myself! So I usually take all my clothes just to go to the bathroom! But enough about fat girl stuff...

Class starts at 10 and I was running about 5 minutes behind. I get to class and 2 of my classmates are there chatting and the teacher wasn't there. Dr. Diva walks in about 10:15, by then another classmate had come so that made 4 of us plus the teacher. Dr. Diva asked us where the rest of the class was. We told her we didn't know and then Dr. Diva got to thinking. While she is thinking we are jokingly, but non-jokingly telling her that we needed extra credit for showing up dressed and ready to give our presentations when 75% of the class were not there. Dr. Diva finally speaks and asks us

"You hungry?"

in various forms "Yeah"

"You have transportation?"

in unison "Yeah"

"Well since it's just the five of us, and I am hungry, I will let yall do your oral presentations over breakfast @ Briggs"

What? Was she serious? She playing! That's what went through my head, but she wasn't playing! So we waited till about 10:35 for more folks to show. Nobody else came so we bounced! Breakfast was yummy, I never been to Briggs before. The presentations were so informal and light it was sickening! LOL. We laughed cuz one girl in our class that came really late started blowing up the phone of one of the girls that was on time, she never picked the phone up.

Then when I got home and got situated, I checked my email and I have 2 emails from 2 of the other students in class. I haven't read them yet, but I have a feeling what they are gonna be about. Dr. Diva left a note on the board saying that the class was out on assignment and that they can't get more that half credit on their presentations for being late, which is a CRUCIAL penalty! She noted the date and time on the the board and we were gone! I know if it was me coming in late and getting that message on the board I'd be pissed. I know that Dr. Diva isn't the most consistent teacher. I also know that this isn't a hard course, she usually don't take attendance & we usually don't start class till 10:15, but people still have to respect Dr. Diva's class and treat it just like any other class. Get there on time and do the work! This is one of the easiest classes to ace and people was sleeping on the class. But with the majority of the class getting half credit deducted, I bet folks are awake now!

Sorry for yah! I got my grade and full credit! Can't help them with theirs!

Now that I got my school work out the way and turned in for the moment, it's time for me to take the rest of these micros out! *insert loud uncontrollable sobbing*


Waddie G. said...

you go what you going to do with your hair since you taking out the micros?

Ladynay said...

Dani - Them body shapers are a TRIP!!! The things women do to get that coke bottle is amazing! LOL Men don't do no mess like that!

GQ - I dunno, I think I may break my hair down some with a relaxer tonight so at the very least I can rock a ponytail piece to work tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Good for you lady! Now is this the same class where you fubarred the oral? This really helps your grade in there then huh? That is so cool!