Being that Pooka's daycare closes at 6 and I have 2 more days of classes before finals *insert praise dance* I have to bring Pooka with me to class. Throughout the semester many students have brought their youngin's so I knew it wouldn't be a problem.
Pooka is enjoying the daycare. When she went into the 4 year old room for the first time her eyes lit up and she just walked around slowly absorbing every color, every child, every toy, every book. She didn't say bye, love you, see you later, NOTHING! She was just in a spell. My feelings was hurt a little and I stayed an extra minute to see if she would look back my way...but she was in another world.
Yesterday I gave my last solo speech. It was okay, but the way I heard myself deliver it, you could hear that I just put it together the night before and didn't rehearse it much. Oh well. So anyways before speech class I gave Pooka the drill. Since it was a speech day I needed her to be as quite as possible and to stay seated.....right after I gave her a big ole rice kripy treat from the vending machine......right, I know, what kinda logic is that! Here, eat this sugar and sit still! She did fine on the being quiet, but during one guys speech Pooka started miming like she was at a sophistacated tea party, pinky up and everything! She gots everyone's attention and folks *including myself* was trying not to laugh at her because someone was giving their speech.
I eventually stopped her so the class would pay attention to dude. All throughout class she would just do silly stuff and entertain the class. I apologized to the guy who was giving the speech during her silent tea party and he said he didn't mind because it took the focus off him, which was a good thing in his opinion. We have another speech day for the other half of the class on Wednesday and I don't know if I will skip that class or not. Right now I think I will have her eat her dinner early and feed her something that will stick so when the time comes to give the speeches, she'll have the itis and chill out or go to sleep.
On the way home we stopped at Bojangles, it was late, I forgot to take some meat out the freezer, and I didn't feel like cooking. What was so weird was that their where 4 sets of 2 dudes at 4 different tables. Me and Pooka where the only females eating in the dining area. I just found that odd. Anywho, we get home, clean up a tad then we went to bed. Pooka is adapting pretty well to sleeping in a room by herself again so far. I am thankful for that.
Sounds liek Pooka is quite the entertainer.
The semester is almost over. I know you're happy!
hehehe@pooka and her tea party. i would have appreciated her being in the speech class, too. anyone who takes the attention off of me while i stumble through a bad speech is aiight with me.
Luvin - Girl she was doing the darn thing till I stopped the show! Class clown....class clown....LOL. I already see the notes coming home from her teacher talking about her clowning in her grade school! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Nikki - Girlllll the more they laughed the more she kept on! At least she helped someone!
I feel being tha Class Clown is a step towards having boldness in your personality.
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