Sunday, April 16, 2006

"Hey Chocolate"

That's one of my favorite quotes of the weekend!

Quick overview of my 3 day weekend. Got up, got ready, got the rental, got on the hwy. No problem. While riding 95 going somewhere between 75 and 80 in the fast lane I see a car about half a mile ahead slow down. I didn't have to but I slowed my roll too. Next thing you know I see this blue barrier hit the small cement wall on the left and ricohet back onto the highway. This barrier comes to a stop right in the middle of my lane....the fast lane. It's a wonder how fast the brain works because in matters of seconds my brain decided if I should hit the barrier full on, to not being able to dent the rental, to my insurance going up, to coming up with a plan. The plan was to slow down as much as I can and get as far to the right side of my lane. Hopefully if I tapped it right it would move towards the left shoulder and out the hwy. Of course the barrier goes right. I slowed down to about 1o miles an hour and right before I tapped the barrier I heard tires screeching. I looked in my back mirror and braced myself for impact......but nothing happened. I never heard the sound of impact so I don't think an accident occurred. So I kept driving. I still feel guilty that I just tapped the barrier into the 2nd to left lane and the people in that lane had to find a way to maneuver around it. I had a talk with myself and God that no accidents wouldn't occur for a good few miles after that incident. On hindsight maybe I should have stopped the car completely, ran out and manually pulled the barrier to the shoulder. But then again I may have got hit....who knows.

I get to my destination and Pooka's looking out the window and opens the door to greet me. I saw her last month but I swear she got taller. Anywho, I greet, eat, take a nap and start my homework. What fun. I did one of five math chapters and had to stop cuz Pooka was insisting to be up under me and honestly I wanted to be chilling with my fam, so I finished up that chapter and closed the book.

Time comes for me to pick up babydaddy from work. His van isn't fixed from when someone tried to steal it so I offered to pick him up vs. him take public transit. On my way out the door Pooka asked me were I was going. I tell her I was going out and I'd be back. She don't like my answer or the fact she couldn't go so she runs off crying. I felt like crap. My grandmother asked me where I was going. I told her Babydaddy's and she asked if I was taking Pooka. When I told her no I felt more crappy. But at least I am not acting high school anymore. Normally when babydaddy and I plan to hook up, I make something up so my fam wouldn't know we were still creeping. If babydaddy had more than a studio, I would have taken her. I just can't get down with my child in the same room. Room divider or no room divider. It's funny that I still feel like a lil girl in my fam's house! UGH! I am grown darnit...sometimes!

While en route to babydaddy's job I stop at a stop light. I was so into my directions trying to figure out where in the world I was going when I hear a voice....

"Hey chocolate"

as I look to my left I see 2 white men about my age with the Kool Aid smile looking my way. Not very sure if they were talking to me, the passenger in the same voice said it again....

"Hey chocolate"

As I am laughing as in saying WTH I said "Hey"

then the driver bent his head down so I could see him passed the passenger and say "Heeeeeey"

I say "hey" to the driver and went back into my directions. I was laughing on the inside cuz that was almost as weird as the GoGo version of the Dora the Explorer song that I heard 5 minutes before the Hey boys. Anyways, I scoop him, we hit his spot, we bathe, we do that grown people thang, I slept*been a long time since someone shut me down, LOL*, he cooked, we ate, we slept. We swooped up Pooka the next morning and we are running around getting things for her. We drop Babydaddy off at work and we head back to my fam's. I was so great to know that Pooka knows some of her buildings. She was acting like my tour guide as we drove through downtown DC. It made it funny because she doesn't say monument, she said monu (mon-you) so when she saw the monument she goes. "Mommy, there's the Washington Monu, there's the Washington Monu..." I get her to repeat the full word and she does, then called it the Washington Monu again...

We got to my fam's and we chill. I try to crack the book open but I couldn't get my head right. So I just chilled.

My grandparents dining room have block designs. The blocks are 3 shade of brown and are about a ft high and long. The dining room connects the kitchen to the stairs to the second floor. While snacking in the dining room I watched Pooka play a game that flashed me back 15+ years. I watched Pooka work her way back and forth from the stairs to the kitchen but only stepping on a certain color tile during each trip. Watching her was like watching myself do it so many years earlier. It triggered a "moment". I didn't cry, but just thought that I was old and that the cycle never stops. It was still a good feeling. My grandmother sends me on a bunch of errands which Pooka and I complete. While traveling she is telling me what bus runs on that street! The girl can't say her complete address, but she can tell you what bus to take to get to grandma's house! I was trippin! LOL

I get back to my peeps and put stuff away and take my grandfather his stuff in his room. I say hey and he didn't say anything. I noticed he was using his urinal so I put his stuff down and left. I go back into the living room with Pooka and my mom and my grandfather calls my mother.

"Did Ladynay drive up? What time is she supposed to get here?

my mom sighed and replied. "She is here now, she got here yesterday"

"Oh, well she could have at least come and hug my neck"

At that moment I realized what my aunt Diva was talking about. My grandfather does not have alzeherimers, he is just a drunk and he stays drunk to the point he don't know what be going on. It's too the point were nobody want to see him in his condition. May 2004 he was on his death bed. I was in MD every weekend. The family has done EVERYTHING to help my grandfather, but he has given up and you can't help those that don't want help. We are just cried out right now. That's anothrer long blog.

Didn't he see me a moment ago?

He looked right at me! I spoke to him"

I did come and give him a hug yesterday...

We had a conversation....

He didn't even know I was here....

I was saddened and my feelings were hurt. I took a moment outside. I didn't cry, just frustrated that he doesn't care anymore....

Some other fam came to the house and laugh joke and do what fam's do well into the early hours this morning. I catch enough hours of sleep and Pooka and I got back with no problems.

Well off to finish my speech! Those other 3 math chapters will just have to wait. I have had time to do it since we've been back, I just didn't want to do it. So blame is 100% mine. I'll take the hit.


LUVIN ME said...

I'm glad that you had a good trip and Pooka's back...

Glad that you got some over the weekend!

Family...enough said...

nikki said...

you had a great trip! that's good to hear (also glad you was able to handle your *ahem* grown woman's needs LOL)

your grandpa is like way too many other black folks' grandpas. both of mine were alcoholics, one of them actually homeless and on the street.

i know it breaks your heart a little more each time you see him. just know that deep down beneath all that pain and liquor is the cat who loves you. hold on to that.