Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Truth is....

Truth is my boy Diz, , would like to receive some feedback on a issue one of his boys is having. So drop by his site a share your thoughts. I don't know why is friend don't just get a blog and do a poll himself, but whatever! LOL EJ (I wonder if I can call him that) is a sweetie so he posted it for him.

Truth is I found my daycare....

Truth is I will be struggling till August....

Truth is I will make it cuz I always do....

Truth is I am horny...

Truth is I can't wait till Friday...

Truth is I don't know why I keep messing with Babydaddy...

Truth is I read the comments about me sharing a picture...

Truth is I don't have any current ones...

Truth is I am not ready for comment from those who come by my blog and don't know what I look already....

Truth is I am not ready to hear anything negative...

Truth is I am scared no one would comment anything, which is just as bad...

Truth is I may give into peer pressure one day and put pictures up, but that will defeat the initial purpose of my blog...

Truth is I need to have breakfast cuz there's a rumbly in my tummy...


LUVIN ME said...

Yep. you'll make it. To tell the truth, I'm hungry too!

meljoy said...

haha, awesoooome! I will be doing that whole heels/pants suit/skirt thing for the srping gala. I am usually in jeans and a tee, but we'll see how it goes :-) I'm honry too, I haven't had sex since... februaury? god... its painful just to think about...

The Sarccastik Variable Why said...

truth is...i ...hell (what was i 'bout to say)...damn it...curses disappearing brain cells...good post...

Superstar Nic said...

Truth is … I love visiting your blog!

Truth is … I can’t believe that you don’t have any current pics!

Truth is … That there is NOTHING negative to be said about the way you look.

Truth is … You are beautiful inside and out.

Truth is … I know that and I’ve never even met ya!

Superstar Nic said...

@ Meljoy - No sex since Feb? Whoa!

Ladynay said...

Luvin - we be bloggin early in the morn so I bet you was! LOL

Diz - I am gonna take that wink in the most flirtiest way possible!

Mel - HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I bet you would look killer in a suit and heels.

I think spring break was in March so I am not too far behind you in that other area! *sigh*

Sarcastik - your silly, thanks for coming to see me boo

Southern - wow you came back! I was ready to go home soon as I sat at my desk @ work!

Xtc - that made me smile :-D

~HoustonNY~ said...
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~HoustonNY~ said...

Truth is I LOVE this post! I may have to use it one day (with your permission, of course!)