Look at you chicka! Got a few years older, took those 2 pigtails out your hair, and tried to get sexy I see. LOL Man it seems like yesterday we were all acting a fool up in NHS. Yah know when Rionna shot that mass email out this morning talking about praying for you because you'd been missing for a minute my heart jumped. I just knew you was going to come home safe. So when I saw Rionnas name come across my inbox again I just knew it was to let us know you was home and alright. Instead of my heart jumping for joy, it broke in sadness. Just so you know, the person and/or people that did this to you will pay! Best believe that! Right now I am too upset to cry, quite frankly I'm pissed! I mean who the fuck gave someone the right to take your life? I mean I know everything happens for a reason, but right now I don't see why you had to go.
I bet your even more beautiful with your wings homie. See you later.
-Nay Nay
Update 2!!!
Victim linked to drug caseWoman found dead in car trunk was tracked by U.S. agents By Nick Shields and Matthew Dolan sun reporters January 31, 2007A woman whose body was found in the trunk of her car this week in Northwest Baltimore had been tracked by federal agents as part of a drug investigation involving her boyfriend, authorities said yesterday. Sintia Mesa had been monitored by agents searching for Jermarl A. Jones, who is charged with conspiring to sell heroin, according to federal law enforcement officials. Jones was in Mesa's car when he was arrested Jan. 3 in North Baltimore, a deputy U.S. marshal said yesterday. No one has been charged in Mesa's death, which police are investigating as a homicide. It was unclear whether the drug case has any connection to the killing. Nonetheless, Mark Frederick, a deputy U.S. marshal, said he has shared information on the federal case with city homicide detectives. The investigation into Mesa's death apparently includes a review of self-storage units that police were told have been used to store money. Mesa had a storage unit in the area, her sister, Claudina Mesa, said yesterday. Howard County police said clothing was reported stolen Saturday in a break-in at a storage facility in Laurel, but police provided few other details. Sintia Mesa, a 25-year-old Morgan State University graduate who lived in Hyattsville but worked at a salon in Baltimore, had been last seen Friday afternoon leaving a beauty salon in Randallstown. After Mesa failed to show up for a meeting at her job Friday evening, Claudina Mesa called police, she said. Sintia Mesa's cell phone was found in a garbage bin, according to police, who declined to give the location of the garbage bin. Claudina Mesa and other relatives and friends handed out fliers in the Randallstown area Monday, but that afternoon police discovered Sintia Mesa's body in the trunk of her car in a parking lot near the 7200 block of Brook Crest Way. Police did not say yesterday how she died. She was naked when her body was found, according to a law enforcement source. There was no indication that Sintia Mesa has been charged with any crimes. Mesa and Jones were close, said the woman's sister, Claudina Mesa. "They loved each other," she said. Attempts to reach Jones, 31, of Hyattsville, for comment were unsuccessful. Jones - whose first name is variously spelled Jermarl and Jemarl in court records - was charged with first-degree murder but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in 1994 and was sentenced to eight years in prison with all but three months and six days of that term suspended, according to court records. He later received a 4 1/2 -year sentence for violation of probation in the case, records show. Details of the crime were not available yesterday. A warrant for his arrest was issued in September 2005, and he was indicted in February of last year on charges of conspiring to distribute heroin and possession with intent to distribute heroin. Those charges stem from the discovery in June 2002 of more than 2 kilograms of heroin - worth at least $200,000 - in a Cockeysville apartment that police came to believe was used as a "stash house," according to federal court records. But charges against Jones' two co-defendants, Calvin Wright and Johnnie Butler, were dismissed last year after a federal judge granted the defendants' motion to suppress evidence obtained during the police search of the apartment on Breezy Tree Court in Cockeysville. David R. Solomon, a defense attorney who represented Wright, said the judge dismissed all charges against Wright and Butler after finding that police should not have entered the apartment without a warrant before first exhausting other options. The U.S. Marshals Service began to track Jones shortly after the criminal complaint was issued in 2005 but did not locate him until Jan. 3 of this year, according to Frederick, the lead deputy on the case. Frederick said that Jones was in Mesa's car in the 1400 block of Roland Heights Avenue in Baltimore when he was arrested. The deputy marshal said that Mesa had been aware that authorities had been tracking her as part of their fugitive investigation. Jones was brought into federal court Jan. 5 on the same charges. U.S. District Judge Beth P. Gesner ordered him released on his recognizance, directing that his travel be restricted to the East Coast, with advance approval from court personnel, and that he comply with a 10 p.m.-to-noon curfew, according to court records. But Frederick said federal authorities, rather than releasing Jones, handed him over to authorities in Baltimore County, where he was named in a warrant related to a car theft charge. That charge - filed in 2005 in Baltimore County - is pending. Jones was released to await trial, scheduled for next month in District Court in Catonsville.
What happen to your friend sorry to hear of her un timely demise. Did this happen today?
Nobody knows just yet. She was confirmed as the woman found in a car today. Don't know exactly when she died right now. Her personal belongings where found near a dumpster so that tells me that this wasn't a natural cause/medical related death. Somebody/Some folks took her out.
Oh my God. I don't know what I would do.
I don't know either. I am still trying to fully grasp the concept that she's gone and possibly died a tragic death.
Oh My! I am so sorry to hear this about your friend. Please as you are able - keep us informed. This world I tell you.
I will update whenever I hear something. Right now the police are not releasing anything about what happened.
I am so sorry to read about your friend. You, her friends and family and her are in my prayers.
Thanks New New. Her fam needs it more than I.
My condolences to you and her family.
her family is in my prayers. you are in my thoughts.
wasn't that sooo sad? i didnt 'know' her.. but i did see her before.. my heart goes out to her fam.. this world is crazy....
when gtl asked me last night did i hear the news on her.. i felt some relief, but then they said they found her in the trunk of a car...i was like damn!
Freaky and DNT, thank you.
TTD, I didn't know they released info about her being in the trunk of her car. Reading your comment made me check the paper again and it just makes my chest hurt...
She went to Morgan so I don't doubt that you've seen her around. She was a sweet, low key person, with a good heart. I doubt much has changed with her personality since I graduated. I am not just saying that because she has passed either. I can't believe someone killed her...I don't want to.
Southern, me too!
My deepest condolensces to your friends family and to you.
There is nothing more tragic than loosing somone we care deelply about. But loosing that person in a viscious sensless slaying makes all that much more harder to grasp and comprehend.
I will pray that the perp is brought to justice and pays for what he/she has done.
Barney, welcome and thank you. What goes around comes around so they/he/she will get theirs! Trust! We may not know about it, but they gonna get theirs!
No, no it isn't Quaheem. When the person or people responsible are dealt with it still won't be right.
I've been reading about the story all weekend (you know news people).
I was coming here today to see if you'd posted about something else. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. She seems to be well loved.
Houston, according to my friends at home who get to watch the updates on the news as of last night they are looking at her boyfriend. She also had a tracking device put on her car earlier.
M-dubb, dang yall got to keep up with what's going on everywhere?! Well that does make since. I guess you can be another person to keep me posted on the lastest so I don't have to call my peeps every so often.
She was truely good people Marlon, there probably wasn't many people that didn't like her that actually knew her.
I heard this the other day come to find out my roomie works with her aunt...I tell ya it makes you even more cautious of just doing the simple things in life...I'm keeping them in my thoughts and prayers
Thanks Honey
I'm very sorry to have learned about what happened to Sintia. I went to college with her. She was a very sweet girl. I know your loss was great as this could not have happened to anymore a kind person. I imagine she was a wonderful friend to you.
Along with her family, you and her other friends are in my prayers.
Be well.
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