Saturday, June 09, 2007


I am in a funk and I don't know the source of it. Two people have basically asked me why I was down. I quickly changed my tone both times in effort not to down them anymore than I apparently was. Then this morning it took almost everything I had to get out the bed and get going. I got up one time to fix breakfast than I got back in the bed. I felt like eating icecream and crying while bundled up in my comforter all day. Problem was, I had no icecream and I had no reason to cry. Eventually I found enough motivation to get out the bed and take a shower. That got me going.

I dropped Pooka off at the drop off center and headed towards the Bodies exhibit. I ended finding some new ways to get around Durham which was cool. The exhibit was AWESOME!!!! Definitely worth the money. If it didn't cost so much (even w/student discount) I would go again. I think the thing that got me was to see the body in all it's greatness then to remember that I was looking at a real human being, simply amazing. In the section where the lungs were there was a display of healthy lungs, smokers lungs, what lungs with emphysema and lung cancers looks like. Let me tell you. If I was a smoker, that display would make me quit...seriously. They even had a container under a sign that said a pack of cigarettes takes about 2 hours and 25 minutes off your life. Leave your cigarettes here and quit now. Mannnnnnnnnn if I had them they'd be in that container. I also saw what a very advanced breast cancer looked like. Ummmmm not pretty. Fortunately many people catch it before it gets to the stage I saw. One of the things that blew me away was that somebody was able to isolate the circulatory system and put it on display! OMG! I can't remember the name of the process but they basically injected the body with a polymer and let it harden. Simply A-MAZ-ING! I swear some people in the world are so freakin' smart. The body is a masterpiece and just seeing how everything I have been studying for the last couple of weeks comes together was just...great!

After all that I picked up the seed and went to the grocery store. Most like everywhere else it is HAWT! So I had a taste for some cold fruit and mint icecream. I ended up picking up the sweetest seedless watermelon. Mannnnnnnnn it is some kind of good. I am considering going up to the store later and getting another one. I realised that icecream makers don't make mint icecream, only mint chocolate. :-( I know I could have probably went to a specialty icecream place like Ben and Jerry or Eddy's but all those type places were out the way.

Now I am just chilling. I was going do some online studying but the site we use for class is down for maintenance :-( Guess I'll go wash dishes or something productive. LOL


Freaky Deaky said...

See now aren't you glad I didn't have to hit you with a brick? Hope you feel better.

I'm kind of mad I didn't go down to see Bodies when it was in Detroit. :o( Oh well.

I don't think I've seen just plain mint ice cream at the store in ages if ever. It's either mint chocolate or mint chocolate chip. Hope you find your ice cream.

Ladynay said...

Yeah I am glad I could avoid the violence, LOL Thanks.

It wasn't meant I guess. Who knows, they may do another tour or come to an area not too far from you. *shrug*

I don't think plain mint icecream was ever in stores, but I haven't been looking for it until today either so who knows? I ended up buying a pint of mint chocolate turtle tracks icecream that had HUGE chucks and hardened swirls of chocolate in it that pissed me off. Normally folks want more chucky stuff than icecream but I didn't, not today. :-(

E said...

The bodies exhibit sounds interesting. Maybe I should pool my resources and send a bunch of smokers to the exhibit. Can't hurt...:-)

I hope you're out of funk city.

blkbutterfly said...

i hope you start to feel better. i know all about those days when you want to cry but realize you don't have anything to cry about. or perhaps, there's something bothering you that you don't want to tap into just yet.

as for Bodies, i want to see it. i think it was in ATL, but i didn't have the money at the time. hopefully it'll be in Houston soon.

Ladynay said...

E, if you balling like that send me again :-)

Right now I am not too far from the city line, but on the right side of the road.

Maybe BB, I need to find it, deal with it and move on. Then again, times like this happens every once in awhile were I feel like I just need to seclude myself, cry hard, and come out new. I think I've blogged about it a few times.

If it goes to Houston, see it! I am sure you could get an instructor discount *wink*

Anonymous said...

glad u made ur way to the exhibit.. i cant remember if they made their way here or not (i know they were in dc) i need to check into that...

Ladynay said...

On the website I want to say that DC was on the list so either they have been there or will be there. It's not leaving here till early August.

Jameil said...

know what? sometimes we gotta just take time for ourselves.

El Alexander said...

I hope you feel 100%! they had the body joint here in ATL and I wanted to go but was a lil scared LOL!!! dag I wish I went... AND THANK GOD I DON'T SMOKE AND MORE!!!!

Ladynay said...

Hear hear Jameil!

Alex, I wasn't ready for all that...I JUST WASN'T READY!!!! LOL

Now the comment:

I hope you're feeling 100% as well.

Yeah smoking sucks, kills your lungs, plus it smells up your clothes...eww!