Why am I getting phone calls and emails from brotha's I have not spoken to in several months?
The reasoning Tom Joyner, my aunt and I have come up with (my aunt is experiencing this occurance too) is that it is close to Fat/Big Girl Season. Now that the summer is winding down, men want to put there skinny trophy chicks to the side and bun up with that big girl that feels good to lay next to during those winter storms.....that big girl that can hook up some soup/chilli/or gumbo when you can't get out the house.....yeah her...that big girl that keeps you warm! It's funny but it's true! Why are men hitting us up NOW? Where where these calls when I was bored during some of these spring/summer days? What made you think about me NOW???? HUH HUH HUH, WHAT?!
Don't waste you time! If I wasn't good enough to take to bikefest or the beach.....F U
Don't call me! If I wasn't good enough to take to the cookout......F U
Don't email me! If I wasn't cute enough to be seen with you outside my/your house.....F U
I got better things to do, with better folks than YOU and YOU and YOU!
*end vent*
Funny post!!! You deserve a guy who wants u all seasons.
Go ahead! Vent all you want to, you have a right!
What? The Season Finale of The Foxybrown Show?
Could it be? That Foxy is a bad motha…Shut yo mouth!
It pretty much covers Replica related stuff.
good information
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