First off anyone who is reading this please send a prayer up for those who are in Katrina's path. Being in NC I have been through my fair share of hurricanes and they are not fun. The last time I heard she was still a catorgory 4.
My weekend was okay. When I got home Friday I took the couple out to apply for jobs. As soon as I walked in the door they were telling me about the places they called and showing me some filled out applications and about what their next step was. It was hilarious and just ended up laughing. I know I gave my deadline but mannnn! LOL They applied to about 7 different spots around my way. The way some of the managers were talking somebody should be calling for an interview or an offer this week! We went home and hung out. Got a call from baby daddy basically telling me somethings where going down at his friends house and I might need to go get him. Okay fine. I chill sommo' and about an half hour later, he calls me to come get him. When he gets in the car we make general was your trip, how's such and such, whatever whatever, then it gets quite. I tell myself that this is the point where I need to start pimping, as my girlfriend put it, my baby daddy for money. As soon as I was about to say something he breaks out with....
So is that all the gas you got?
Is that going to get you to school and back tomorrow?
Well, I was planning to have a talk with you about that.
Don't worry about it, talk over, I got you.
(shocked as heck) Ummm okay...well I need to get some groceries too, Whitebrotha's card didn't show up like he thought and...
I said I got you, I'll take care of it!
(even more shocked) ok.
Then he goes on about how he hasn't been able to support Pooka like he should and so forth and so on, basically touching on the things I was gonna touch on! After he was done I was for the most part speachless. He had everything covered. We get to my place and I go to bed.
Saturday morning I got up and went to my psych class. To this moment I can't think of who he looks like, but my prof. resembles some celeb. I spent half the class staring at him trying to place him but I couldn't. He seems really laidback and I can see myself passing his class. He actually in a round about way told us that he doesn't follow the book, so I will be at the bookstore taking that book back today. I also noticed that they charged me new book price for my used math book so I am getting money back from that too. I don't know if they are going to put in back on my university card or give me cash. I dunno and I don't care. I was overcharged.
Came back home and the house was alive, fed, and chit chatting. The couple made plans to spend the day at another friends house so they could apply to a spot where she works. I drop them off at her house (she was bringing them back) then off to walmart. Pooka walked up and down the toy aisles trying to find what she wanted. After making her selections we were off to the checkout till Pooka saw the fish. She really wanted the fish so we put the toys back and go get some fish. Out of all the colorfull fish she could have chose, she wanted the plain black fish with big eyes. Trying to get her to chose a more colorful fish, her dad and I would point to another fish and say..."you want this one?" she'd point to the black fish "you want that one?" she'd shake her head and point to the same plain black fish. After 4 or 5 attempts at getting a brighter, more colorful fish, we got the one she insisted on.
After that we go grocery shopping. Baby daddy hooked it up and I was yet again suprized. When he said he got me I thought he was gonna give up about 10/15 bucks but he pretty much said get what you need. You don't have to tell me twice so I got a lot of stretchable food items and called it a day.
When we got back to my place the black fish had died. We didn't feel like going back up to Walmart and didn't. I didn't know what Pooka would do if she saw the dead fish so I wrapped a towel around the bag and hid it. It worked for awhile till Pooka found the bag. Baby daddy I were watching tv and Pooka comes in with the bag expressionless talking about "Look mommy, the black fish dead". I told her I knew and to put it back where she found it. I knew that Pooka knows about death. When we see road kill on our walks sometimes and she will say "the such and such is dead" and I would confirm. For some reason I thought that her seeing the fish that she wanted so badly floating belly up would affect her. It didn't. My bad.
We didn't go to the cookout (thank God) so we spent Pooka's birthday hanging out, eating junk food, and watching TV. I still don't think Pooka grasps the concept of birthday's yet but she had a good time Saturday and that's all that matters.
Sunday I wake up early to hit the trail by my house. All that junk food I ate the day before started messing with the mental. So I did my thing, came back home, showered and got back to bed. Bout an hour passed and Pooka was up. I sent her to her daddy in the living room and rolled back over! I figured that he gets to sleep in all the time, so I'd let him get up and get her fed and situated, and he did. I got up when it was time to take him back to the station. We go eat, exchange the fish, grab some food, put the fish in tank (it would have been boiled by time I went downtown and back) then drop baby daddy off. He actually thanked me for various things. I thanked him for the financial contributions. I am glad that we are able to really be friends. A lot of people who have been in long term relationships that have ended can not be in the same room with one another without wanting to kill each other. Just another blessing to count.
I get home and for the first time in awhile NOBODY IS THERE! I am really learning about myself. So far I have learned that I like living alone (with Pooka), I like my linen closet a certain way (which I blame my days in domestics at Target 4) and my dishes in the drip dryer thingy to be placed in a certain way. I never considered myself anal and I am glad that they are at least trying to help around the place by cleaning up and putting things away. But if it's not the way I used to having it I cringe.
So I redo the wrong my linen closest, bleach down the kitchen and my bathroom, vacuum, and lay back down. Not more that and hour and a half later Whitebrotha calls me and says he was just calling to see if I was home and that they should be back in about an hour....*sigh* so I just make the most of the remainder of my alone time.
We hang out and watch some movies. I have never been much of a Tom Cruise fan, but The Last Samurai was good. The part near the end actually made my eyes waters. A tear didn't fall, but it came close! It was a pleasant surprise.
*shrug* that was pretty much it......
1 comment:
Snaps for Baby Daddy but if he don't come through again be sure to play "Da Numba" today!
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