Tuesday, September 13, 2005


First, thanks for your words in regard to my grandmother. She was the "big mama" on my dad's side and I am left to wonder what will happen to them/us as a unit. I use "them" because I am not close to my dad's side of my family. The only person I kept up with and visited was my grandmother and now she is on the other side. Tomorrow will be a celebration of her life. That is one thing I can say about my dad's people and funerals. They wear white and the funeral is like a baptist church sunday service when the preacher got the pews all hyped up. Next....

I got an 88% on my test. The God is good. Normally I am very strict on myself as far as my schooling but darnit I'll take it! Next...

K-digga just found out yesterday that Michael Vick is her next baby daddy. She found out Sunday just how much I knew about football! LOL During the Steelers game Whitebrotha and I are going back and forth talking about plays and so forth and poor K-digga was lost! I won't say I know everything, like stats and so on, but I know what is going on and who the players are. I have also learned that I can't hang with Monday night football. This old lady had to call it quits after the 3rd quarter! From what I hear I didn't miss much. Maybe one day I will pick a team to follow and buy all there stuff.....who knows. Right now I will just stick to watching whomever plays on Sunday and yelling at the tv like I am a coach. Next.....

Today is a cute day for me. You know when you get dressed and look in the mirror and you can't help but to notice your looking extra good. Well that day is today for me and it's been verified. Since WB's food card came to his mom's house yesterday, they rode with me to Durham this morning. Since they didn't want to stay there while I was in class they asked if they could just pick up the card and I take them to K-digga's brothers house. Fine, I was running extra early anyways. I drop them off, go to class, handle my biz for my classes I will miss tomorrow and pick them up. Since I was in the library I turned my phone off and when I left I turned it back on to a message from K-digga's brother. They stepped out for a minute and they should be back at 10:30. Okay fine, it's 10:15 no big deal. I get there and wait. They pull up at 10:30 on the dot and I see them get out the car........

Now I have seen KD's brother through the screen door a time or two. But I finally saw him outside the house. Cute, dark, big, clean cut head and facial hair, smelling good, 9 hours away from a dual degree, dressed in some kacki slacks/dark blue dress shirt/slick bottoms, nice smile, all that good stuff. Why in the world hadn't I seen all this through the door? Anyways, he comes to the car and asked if I wanted to come in. I reply that I really needed to go to work. KD and WB go in the house to get their stuff and KD's brothers starts to kick game to me! Now in any other circumstance this would have been fabulous, but homeboy is getting MARRIED at the end of the month!!!!!! So darn typical! While he was talking to me I just kept smiling. He thought I was smiling at what he was saying, but I was trying not to laugh out loud in disbelief! This man is about to be married in less than 2 weeks and he all up in my face! MEN!!!! *sigh*

So now I am at work. My trainee has come in here twice ready for me to show her what I need to show her, so I'll holla!


That Girl said...

You must be like me, on the internet when you need to be working.

Darius T. Williams said...

You should have let him spit game to you...you know it's getting cold soon - ain't nothing wrong with a little borrowed "heat" this winter - lol.

Coming Into Reality,

The Foxybrown Show said...

Just peeking in haven't see you for a minute but good to know that you are busy...