Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Your not a B, your just strict.

Over these past couple of days having 3 extra grown folks in my home and couple of weeks having 2 grown folks, I have become a female dog. I know it, and I tried to explain to K-digga and Whitebrotha that I am aware of how I am acting and what I am saying and I know that I am starting to come off as a female dog. K-digga responds by saying "your not a b****, your just strict. If you didn't care you would have just been quite and kicked us out (yesterday was the 6th)". That caught me off guard! At least she understands that I care and want to see them do well ON THEIR OWN! Yesterday the results from K-digga's drug test came back. She didn't pass. According to her, since she was on her period they got her by the blood in her urine. I don't know how true that is. This was a urine test, not a blood test. But like I said, I don't know anything about positive pee tests and all that. She did get a phone interview with a store she applied to at the mall though! I don't know what she is putting in these applications to get her all these call backs. I am glad opportunities are knocking for at least one of them. Yesterday was the deadline for them to get their stuff together. The only reason they are staying is because I see on my caller ID that different places have been calling the house, verifing what K-digga tells me. That shows progression. I have just made the assumption that Whitebrotha isn't getting any calls because he has a record. Which is another topic in of itself! How can someone who has had a pass, does their time, gets out and wants to do right, but is not given a chance so they go back to what works? *sigh* Next....

Yesterday at dinner Pooka would not eat. My mom cooked so I know it wasn't the meal. I keep telling Pooka to eat and my mom says "well she has been eating ice cream and cereal all day, she might not be hungary" WHAT!!!!!!! How could my mom let her eat icecream and cereal all day. Their is more in that house to eat. Needless to say, in the most respectful way I asked my mother to make sure her diet is well balanced and just because she asks for icecream don't mean she gets icecream, not everytime. She was cool with that. Pooka in just 5-6 days is reverting back to a baby and my mother is the cause. She let's Pooka do whatever she wants and treats her as if she is only a few months old! So now she is starting to act like it and I don't like it. Jokingly I told my mom that it's gonna take me a year to reprogram Pooka back after she moves out! And it will! I want to respect my mom and I am blessed to have her here, but I feel like I need to set rules in regards to Pooka. I can't have her crawling all over the couch, walking around in her non-house shoes. I just didn't start her off like that. It's already to the point where if I say no she will instantly go to grandma! I don't know what to do.

Then there is my carpet. Before all my guest moved in, my carpets were okay. They were not 100% new and clean when I moved in, but I have tried to preserve the carpet as best I could. I don't allow people to wear shoes in my house or children to eat in my living room....and until the move in's everything was all good and my light tan carpets where just that, light tan. Now I have all kinds spots, marks, food, you name it on my carpet in the living room of all places!!! I am not anal nor a neat freak but it's nerve racking to see my carpet in it's condition. I will go to the grocery store sometime soon and see if one of those carpet cleaners you can rent will do the job.

The last complaint before I go to work is something I have no right to complain about but I am. Being that my mother just met K-digga and Whitebrotha she feels bad for them and wants to give. She let them have $20 dollars. I know that it's her money and she does whatever she wants with it! But she has to understand that if you keep giving to them and not making them "earn" it. They will never earn it, just keep putting there hand out. What's worse is what they did with the money....cigarettes, beer, magic cards, and some yarn (K-digga crochets). Maybe I think a little differently, but if I wasn't working and someone gave me $20. I would save some of that for......I dunno BUS FARE! But I didn't say one word outside of telling my mother about how the couple opporates and not to let them use her.

I have been doing alot of "telling" people stuff. Yesterday when I gave T-lo some eggs I found my self telling him what to do with them to where he replied "Yes ma'am" I couldn't help but to laugh! While we were in Super Walmart the other day, I found myself telling everyone what the plan was (which was that we all do the grocery shopping together since we all have slightly different tastes, then we spread out and do our own thing). Am I really that bossy? I am not a cheif at all. I don't believe that I am selfish or picky. But I do beleive since I am paying all the bills, well now most because my mom did help with the second grocery shopping trip, that I should have the most say. Like that old saying goes, my house, my rules......if you don't like it, leave! Of course that rule changes for mommy cuz I don't wanna get beat down and I did live with her for a few years when I was old enough to work, bill free! LOL

Okay I am really gonna do some work!

1 comment:

E said...

Someone has to maintain order...and it looks like you're nominated by default. Grandma's are known to spoil by the way...:-)