Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Extra long weekend

Okay, I am back to make some amendments and fill in the blanks :-D

So much has gone on from Friday after work till now.

Friday evening I got mommy which is a blog in itself. We go grocery shopping. Chill. One of my paternal aunts calls me back saying that she got my message I left for my paternal grandmother and that she is in the hospital not doing well (she has bone cancer). She also tells me that my father is supposed fly down the next day. My father lies a lot and that is an understatement unexaggerated so nobody believes it. I open my big mouth and say well if he comes here I would pick himn up from the airport. Then I was concerned. How is he going to come to Raleigh-Durham airport and NOT call me, his first born who lives in Raleigh? I know I signed him off four years ago but still. (long story in itself, lets just say my grandfather is whom I consider my father figure, dad, male mentor, whatever)

Saturday we go shopping again, this time at Super Wally World. I got my oil changed and all that good stuff, dropped everyone off at home, then I go to the airport expecting to have made the 15 minute trip in vain. He is there!! He looks a different now that he has gained weight. During the first ride around trying to find him, I saw him I drove right passed him. The second time I just stopped the car and stared. I really couldn't tell if it was him. He had on a Baseball cap and shades and this guy had a real belly! That's not the man I saw several years ago. Once he took a look in the car he walked up and got in the car. The closer he got the more I saw he was who he was supposed to be. Not even 5 minutes into the ride back to my place he starts with the lies. So I just nod my head and say okay to whatever he was saying, he was tuned out.

I dropped back home to pick up my mom and Pooka. Introduced K-digga and Whitebrotha to my father and rolled out to Kinston to see my grandmother. I must admit it was weird driving with my mother AND my father in the car. Again, me and mommy just tuned my father out. He ended up talking to Pooka for 2 hours, she hasn't learned to ignore him yet. We get to the hospital and my father and his sister get into an arguement which my grandmother actually spoke to stop it (darn shame)!!!!! Anyways, my grandmother is not the same woman I went to visit 2 months ago. They took her off of everything except some pain meds that goes into her stomach. She has a button she can push whenever she wants more. She is in God's hands and His plan. As of today I haven't got "the call" yet.

When I was ready to leave my dad still didn't have no place to stay. Being that my dad lies so much, his sisters didn't believe he was coming, therefore did not make lodging arrangements! (again, darn shame). My aunt actually thought that I was taking my father back to my place! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am sorry but the Ladynay Inn bed and breakfast is full! He was in the care of his sisters now. So mommy, Pooka and I rolled out. My little bucket made the trip without a hitch. I am soo glad of that! Maybe that high milage oil change helped (side note: I paid regular price because the lady at the service center put in the code for a name brand regular oil change when I said high milage....so when I saw my receipt after they done the first change, I took it to the manager and told him she messed it up so he gave me the correct one for no charge....so I got 2 oil changes for the price of 1, LOL)

Sunday we go shoping yet again. Ate like pigs. I walked the trail earlier that morning but I felt so bad that night I hit it up again. I simply have to use better control. Mommy doesn't eat all the things I do and I can't stop her from buying some of the junk food that I keep myself from eating by not buying it. So I am trying to figure out how I can maintain control with all this yummy yums in my fridge and cabinets, which after a year and a half I FINALLY lined my cabinets and put my dishes in them! Then I watched Final Destination 2. I didnt' like the ending, oh well.

Yesterday I took them to the mall to fill out more applications, hung out, hit the trail and watched the Exorcist.

More stuff happened but this is good for now....

P.S. All the stuff on the left side of my blog is missing! It's still on my template but not showing up! Does anyone know how to solve this issue? I emailed blogger support on Friday and haven't heard yet. Thanks.

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