Friday, October 07, 2005

Rain Rain Rain

Today is one of those days you stay in the bed and just listen to the rain, preferably with someone next to you.......

With a sigh, I am at work. At least for the next 2 hours and some change.

This weekend I am getting my school work on. I plan to hit the library up and knock alot of work out the way.

LAL has the day off today and once upon a time when I had an empty house I would have taken advantage of that today.....and it's raining too! *insert foul language*

I am also doing my hair and getting it cut. I think I will cut it to about my chin. I have done a piss poor job at maintaining the health of my hair lately, so it's gotta go!

Yesterday KD and WB toured some apartments. KD is so excited about them having a bank account with actual money in it. That made me laugh even tho' she was serious. It was just the way she said it.

Dat's bout it....

1 comment:

That Girl said...

I know those day!!