I could sit here and complain about the company "they" been bringing to my house without letting me know about it before hand and the other things I don't bother to blog about, but it really doesn't matter cuz they have today, tomorrow, and Sunday.....and that's that. WB was telling me that all they had to do was put down a deposit and they can be in the place b4 thanksgiving, which is great, but why was the weed man in my house last night? Why?
Why didn't KD go to work last night? *sigh* anyways.......
I think I am going to spend Thanksgiving alone. I really wish my mom and Pooka would go to the family function but I don't think they are going. I really want to have a quiet Thursday-Sunday completely by myself. I don't want the turkey and the big meal. I have already gained my holiday weight thank you very much. I don't want to be up at Walmart before the crack of dawn to save 5 bucks on a babydoll. I don't feel like doing anything but cleaning my house....laying in the bed watching the Macy's day parade in my underwear.....maybe getting my drink on......maybe getting my freak on.....but alas, I know that won't happen. Oh well.
Alone...no, that sucks...if you were here...I would invite you over. Hell, I would rather be alone then be at work like I will.
That's messed up that you gotta work, but you gotta make that paper!
That's a great story. Waiting for more. »
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