Thursday, December 15, 2005

Caught in the middle

Late last night I had a conversation with a girlfriend whose marriage ended a little over a year ago. It was a REALLLLY UGLY break up and even though some time has passed. This ish is still ugly. I feel weird cuz when I intially met the two, they were an item. Matter of fact, I met them on their wedding day. I was baby daddy's date. So my friendship to the couple was fairly equal. So now that they have parted and started separate lives with new people and circles of friends it's kinda awkward hanging with one and not seeing the other. I couldn't find the right words other than the overused various versions of "things will get better""God don't like ugly" and how these types of ugly situations take more time to resolve....blah blah blah. I wish I could do more. I wish I knew the magic words to share with both of them to help clean this mess up faster. But it's not my problem to solve. All I can do is share my opinion of what it looks like from the outside and offer my support when they want/need it. *sigh* oh well.

I am trying my best not to think about my food issues and I am moving forward. All I can do is start over again today. Its funny how people just declare you as "greedy" and don't understand how food is a problem for some folks *shrug*. Whatever...

Yesterday my trainee was supposed to come in, but her daughter was involved in a injury accident so she was at the hospital. That's one call I hope I never get. Someone calling me to telling me to come to the hospital cuz something is wrong with Pooka or worse. I'd rather have someone call me about bailing her butt outta jail. I don't want that call either, but I would prefer the jail over hospital call! My supervisor says she may be in today *I doubt it* so I am trying to get my internet junk out the way before she gets here.

Other than that, it's a cold rainy wintery mix type day in the south.


The Foxybrown Show said...

Ok so ole boy or gurl didn't show up? Does that mean you are feverishly reading blogs today?

I hope so!

soforeal said...

You are right about their issues not being your problem to solve. It could get messy. Youre being a good friend by choosing not to play both sides of the fence.

Waddie G. said...

food is definitely a problem for me...I love to eat...

nikki said...

i love/hate food. man, but it can be both the best thing to happen to me and the worst thing to happen to me all at the same time. i've been struggling with that relationship all of my life, so i feel you on that.

as for the divorce, i've had three sets of friends file for divorce over the last two years. the longest marriage lasted three years.

i'm starting to believe marriage just ain't the way to go.

Ladynay said...

Foxy-honnnnnnnnnney no she ain't show up, and now I have found bout 5 new blogs to I needed to add to my blog reading addiction! LOL P.S. If you don't post on a day other than Wednesday....your studio audience will start a riot! *wink*

Hi soulful real...everytime I see your name somewhere I think of that one hit wonder group soul4real. Thanks for dropping by.

Gq- it don't look like it, but it plagues everyone, my issues with it has been paining me for the last few days

Nikki- My views on marriage are so scattered right now, it's nutz!