Sunday, December 18, 2005

So much for my deposit.....

I love my mother, I really do, without her getting it on with my father I wouldn't be here......but I wanna choke her! Yesterday I made a trip to Super Wally World to pick up some items. I asked mom and Pooka if they wanted to go. Both said no, okay fine. I go about my business and come back, no more than 2 hours later, to find a nice little drawing in blue crayon on the wall and sections of burned carpet!!!!!! Trying not to go ballistic I ask mommy what happened. Apparently mommy gave Pooka a lit insence and didn't blow it out in time, so the lit piece fell and burnt the carpet! WHY IS MOMMY GIVING POOKA ANYTHING LIT UP?????? There is more than one burnt spot so I asked her how many she give her. "Two". I wanted soooooooooooooooo badly to tell my mother off but I couldn't. I asked why she give her a lit insence and her reply was "that's what she wanted". Now I know that grandparents are known to spoil a grandkid and let them get away with murder but coloring on my walls and handling fire is way across the line! I can kiss my rental deposit away. :-(

While in the grocery side of Wally World I decided that I would try some of the interesting looking fruit they had. I ended up getting a Pummelo and Uniq fruit. The lady at the checkout ask me if I was jamaican after ringing up the fruit. I told her no and kept it moving. I mean can't american's eat more than apples and oranges? LOL! So I get home and calm down from Pooka's decorating additions and decided to try my new fruit out. Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn all Pummelo is is a big grapefruit with some really thick skin. Uniq fruit is like a cross between a grapefruit and orange! Man I thought I was gonna be turned on or off to something! Oh well. I may go back and buy some Taramisu, I know I killed the spelling but it's a dessert that looked pretty good.

Why can't my grocery store experiences be like Nikki's? *smirk*


Stone said...

I am with you what the Hell your mama doing giving her fire. LOL lets hope she does not ask for the gun. You had every right to be upset but like you i can not scream at my mommy

Ladynay said...

Stone- the only gun I got is a BB gun and my mom don't know where it is....Thank God! ROFL