Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sunday morning thoughts.....

It's funny. The majority of my daily blog reads either 1) Was at some function so they are prolly still sleep right now 2) Haven't been blogging the past few days anyway or 3) They at church right now. I should be at somebodies church right now my daggone self. So that left my Sunday morning blog stroll a tad empty. :-(

It didn't take me as long to take all my micros out, which was a blessing. Now my hair is wrapped up in a scarf. I think I am gonna let my hair rest and then try to relax it a little tonight so I'll will look decent for work tomorrow.

I also decided not to go see Lalah tonight. Mostly because of my hair, and then I got some other stuff I need to use my money for. I could use the credit card (I paid off all my cards and closed all but ONE card, Halle-glory!), but I am trying to not use credit unless it is a real emergency or I am renting a car. I don't want to hear no excuses when I roll up and try to buy a house in a few years!

Lalah is talented and worth the money, but I need to get some things for Pooka. She will be back here one week from today! Yayyyy! Will she be hear to stay? I hope so. Babydaddy got 2 weeks to decide what he wants to do.


That Girl said...

Everybody is on blog vacation...what can I say? I am guilty too.

lj said...

I was just saying the same thing about church...instead i went to the gym. I'm going to be staying with the boyfriend next week...he gonna make me go.

nikki said...

sorry u won't be able to see lalah, but at least you'll be getting your pooka!