Thursday, September 21, 2006

Decisions Decisions...

Well they are not really decisions cuz I have a feeling that I know what I am going to end up doing for my 2 issues.

Issue one: Pooka's teachers calls me at work to basically tell me that Pooka has shut down and doesn't want to do anything. When she is encouraged to continue she cries then makes a request for me and to go home. This has been happening every day since Monday. Now I am not surprised at this because she did something very similar when she first started the new daycare. Eventually she came out of it. The only issue I have is that school is different than daycare so I need to find a way to snap her out of it faster. But she is so freakin' stubborn (got it from her daddy) sometimes I don't think I can do anything to "make" her cooperate when she doesn't want to. When she tries that shut down thing at home I pop her. The teacher can't do that.

I spoke with Pooka last night about it and the plan is to refresh her memory of the conversation when I drop her off this morning. If I get another call or note about it continuing then I will just have to make a trip to school and assist in getting her st8.

Issue two: Do I take the entire morning off to conduct "personal business"? I have the time to take. But do I want to run the risk of missing Physics class? I already missed one class when my tire blew out and missed a quiz, I don't want to miss another. I had the opportunity to handle business last night, but by time CSI went off I was dead to the world and really didn't feel up to it, and heaven forbid we miss an episode of CSI *eyeroll*

I think I am going to go in to work, cuz folks who work evenings don't be up at 7am, leave an extra hour and a half earlier than usual for class, make someone set an alarm, go to class, and take my but back to work. We are having an end of summer cookout that I paid money into the purchase of items for so I at least want my burnt hotdog! If it wasn't for some work that I want to personally get done today and the cookout I probably would have taken today off work.


deepnthought said...

Do you really need to take the morning off? Don't risk missing class. I would hate for it to be another quiz or something.

Does the teacher ever try to distract her or pull her attention before she shuts down?(Pooka)

Ladynay said...

Do I really NEEEEEED to take the morning off? Nope, I am at work now, I am just leaving for class early. I got my priorities in order, I just know how I can be sometimes. It's a struggle to get up and to work on some normal days so I know it's gonna be a stuggle to get up and going with a warm body next to you.

I don't know what the teachers does before she does it, but I do know if Pooka don't feel like doing whatever it is you want her to do she'd just sit there and look at you like you never said a word. The teacher doesn't have the priviledge of popping her and she is too soft spoken to have that stern "I mean business" voice.

deepnthought said...

My niece does the same thing. Before I left Tn, they would just tell her that they were going to call me and I wouldnt take hor on our outng. ( her teacher last year took one of my classes at church). This year since she is the youngets kid in her class, The teacher tries to distract her. Last I heard it was working.

Girl, I only wish I could relate to the other one. LOL...

Ladynay said...

I wonder how distraction works, but I'll mention it to the teacher if I have to (hopefully I won't have another convo w/her teacher about this issue anymore).

The other situation is very temporary, you don't want to relate to that. You want long term! LOL

LUVIN ME said...

Is there something that the teacher is doing or saying to her that makes her shut down?

I wouldn't risk it...Work yeah, but not class...and no we wouldn't want you to miss CSI...

Freaky Deaky said...

Maybe the teacher needs to show her pictures of little boys to snap her out of it. LOL.

TTD said...

CSI was good last night.. and tonight should be good as well. Did you see Criminal Minds??? those are definitely MUST SEEs!! lol

and seeing what the "personal business" is - no i wouldnt take off of school.. been there, done that & it messes you up in the long run

Ladynay said...

Luvin, I know that she does it when she is asked to do something she don't want to do.

I saw him and I made it to class...*I'll blog about that tomorrow*

The CSI was about him! He was supposed to drop by last night but by time he got off work CSI was about to come on. AND WE CAN'T MISS ANY PART OF CSI *eyeroll*So his options were to come by my house and miss half of CSI or stay at work and watch it. By time he called me to tell me he was bout to leave work I was sleep! LOL

Southern, I think I need to start watching this CSI show, he told me Vegas comes on tonight but he wasn't as excited about it. LOL

Freaky, OMG! I just realized she is like her momma! If there isn't much eyecandy in class, she isn't too thrilled about the class! ROFL

TTD, I don't watch tv but apparently I need to get on the ball huh? LOL The goal was never to miss class, I just know I can get lazy after things like sex. LOL

Ms.Honey said...

Maybe Pooka is scared and no you don't need to take the morning off LOL...what does the teacher do...bring attention to her or ignore her in a rude way?

Ladynay said...

HL, I didn't take the morning off, only an extra hour. I am not sure what the teacher(s) are doing. I don't think it's what they are doing because she tries it with me. I haven't got a call yet and hopefully there won't be a note in her folder this evening. I am hoping she got her act together today.

That Girl said...

It could be something the teacher is doing...