For the first time in a long time I am planning a weekend to be a woman. Not a mommy, not a student, not an employee, just a woman. I always have some me time for a little while everyday after Pooka goes to bed, but this is different. This is going to be a full weekend with my cutie pie special guy friend that I've been keeping under wraps. *giggle*
Since my local long term sitters (more than just a few hours) can't watch Pooka until a tad later in the future I have some time to plan something nice. It's not about money and I am sure there wouldn't be a problem staying in a bedroom or whatever room of choice all weekend, but I don't want that to be all there is. I get paid today, my homegirl paid me back on a loan *insert church step*, my tax refund will be here soon, and Marlon's giving me his bonus....okay, so the last one isn't happening (LOL) but I do have a chance to sponsor a nice weekend and I'd like to do it right.
The problem is...what? I don't wanna go over the top, just something nice. Any suggestions? IGHT NAH!!! I know I got all kinds of male readers, let me hear from you too! What would you want a romantic interest to do for you if you had all weekend to do it. Help a sista out! LOL
In other news, according to my peeps at home the news people are saying that they are looking at Sintia's boyfriend and because of him the Feds put a tracking device on her car b4 she went missing. This is word of mouth so I can't speak on the validity of it. Her funeral is Friday but I won't be attending.
Uh Oh Let me find out LOL. You could cook, go to the aquarium (do ya'll have one there) yea I know it's cold but bundle up and that gives you even the more reason to hold hands could find out stuff he likes to do in the city..go see a play and then cook or what ever...I know you'll think of something. Keeping him under wraps you sure you ain't been keepin him underneath you.....LOL
Ok... Lookahere.... when is said weekend?this weekend? you know I can be a tad slow, you must spellit out. anywho.... you could cook a nice meal. something he wouldnt ordinarily cook for himself. candles and mood music. watch a nice movie. nice romantic walk. a play. museum. ( i never said I wasnt a the possibilities are endless. hmph. you getting on my nerves too. lol(had my hateration pill this morning)lol.
Hmmm - I remember one time, with a former boyfriend I created Spa Night. It started with me creating an actual brochure of the 'spa' and sending it along with tickets I made for entry to the spa. It outlined the dinner, the services available etc. etc.
I picked him up from the airport with a sign as if I were the driver.
At the house - he got the royal treatment from the dinner served to the hot body scrub with the cold water shower rinse with jazz music playing and wine.
I also gave a mani and a pedi. I found a good robe at the Thrift and bought some cheap slippers.
When that negro woke up - HE PUT IT DOWN!!!! LOL LOL LOL
damn pam is on point wit that. Sounds creative yet inexpensive. Have fun.
Honey, I don't think there is one is this city but a lil time on the hwy isn't a bad thing. No comment on the other stuff.
DNT, no hateration now! LOL "HIM" will get you going again real soon and I'll hate on you! No, it's not this weekend.
Pam, I like you.
Southern, I don't know that's all that was told to me. I haven't checked the paper again or called my peeps.
J...RIGHT! Imma try.
Southern, I updated my Dear Sintia post with the story about the tracking device.
My bonus, eh? You wish! (Hell, I'm still waiting on it...)
hot sex in the hotel... that would make me happy. Passionate, all over the room, right on the window sex!
M-dubb, some of my wishes come true *cheese* When it comes don't forget you have a brand new niece that you didn't know about named Pooka that needs some cash in the amount of *insert amount of bonus here* ROFL!
Shawn Shawn Shawn...what am I gonna do with you? LOL
On the window huh? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm me and my friend are not as small as you and Fuzzy, we'd break the window and fall to our deaths! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
i like Pam's idea. i also think it depends on what your special friend likes as well. has he given any hints?
i really don't have any ideas, because i'm really not good at that sort of thing. i'm more inclined to think like shawn--- to the window! to the wall! LOL!
uhm, why am i jealous your tax return is coming in soon? i haven't even gotten my w-2 yet!
BB, I have an idea sorta kinda a little bit.
I think it's required that the company mails them out by today so you should get it soon!
hmm..what to do for a weekend..
depending on your likes.. but for me..
A nice cozy room on the ocean..
to lay in bed, w/that special someone, just talking, touching, enjoying..
then some fun on the beach.. renting something fun.. scooters, horses, bikes, kites..whatever..
to just go and do something you havnt done before.. or in a long while..
Go have some fun & your special someone deserve it!!!
I'm not really good at planning that kind of stuff either. I'd grow hair just so I could pull it out if I were in your shoes so I don't envy you one bit.
Take him to a movie or comedy club. Get him liquored up and try to take advantage of him. Show him the sights and places that are special to you. I'm sure you'll figure out something. Just keep him away from that dark room with the big, sturdy, polished wood desk because that's mine. [Whistles and walks off.]
Barney, depending on the weather and if the aquarium is part of the plan some of that stuff is possible! Thanks.
Freaky, I like those idea's too! I'll see what I can do to pad lock the room with the desk *wink*
Take some You Time Babygirl ;-?
I am Mack. I know YOU of all people know what men like! Help me man! LOL
oh shit, good luck with that :-) I'd give you idea, but I'm a little freaky, haha... I don't want you to think less of me (covers mouth and shys away)...
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