Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Feeling good

I think my body is finally getting itself back to normal from my vacation. I woke up this morning and was energized. My spirits are high and I am ready to take on the day.

Yesterday I found a stash of money I set aside for....something. For the life of me I can't remember what I set the money aside for but I ended up using it to pay on my classes, get some gas, and buy some groceries to get me to the end of the month. I am on a payment plan for summer school which is a good and bad thing. At least I don't have to take out a loan right now. I didn't even know that a payment plan was an option. I went to campus thinking that class started yesterday only to find out that only the law students had class yesterday. It was all good cuz it gave me time to handle all my school related business. I brought the last used book. YAY! My class officially starts today! I already feel good about it. I hope the feeling lasts!

There were some nice discounts at the grocery store. I picked up my rabbit food and some vegan hot dogs. Yeah, vegan hot dogs that are ummmmmm interesting to say the least. I would hear folks say on a radio show I listen to that promotes a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle from time to time say that their alternatives for things taste the same or better than the animal version. Now I can get down with some Boca products. But these vegan hotdogs I got are only edible when you are reallllllly hungry. *sigh* I should have left them on the shelf.

I heard a Missy doing her thing on a song this morning and it makes me wonder...where is Missy Elliott?

That's all :-)


Freaky Deaky said...

Vegan hot dogs? Talk about an oxymoron. Ewww! Lesson #1 don't trust a vegan/vegetarian's opinion on meat...ever! You should know better. :o(

I'd like to think that stash was for my 3/4 birthday in July. I can't believe you spent it. How could you?
[angrily shakes my fist at you]

Oh yeah, not second. LOL!

deepnthought said...

Even I, can not tolerate vegan hot dogs. tastes like hot card bord noodles. I am glad you woke energized. send some energy to atlanta please? thank you.

glad things are working out.

Ms.Honey said...

You gonna turn into a rabbit LOL..sike nah. Glad your back to normal that's always a good thing and finding stashes of money..hopefully you dont' remember what you stashed it for LOL

Ladynay said...

Freaky, I know to leave the hot dogs alone now! LOL

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *hits forehead* that's what that stash was for! I totally forgot! Oh well :-P

DNT, they are okay if you don't have any other option IMO,lol.

*sending you a lil sumtin sumtin towards the ATL*

Honey, that is the idea! Be all toned up and energized all the time! Oh yeah!

I hope I remember when I have the money saved back up to take care of it :-)

Anonymous said...

Wish I find some money I forgot about.

Number 1 reason I can never be a vegan...I like for my food to taste good. lol

Tasha said...

That is the best feeling...to find "free" money like that. Girl, I hear you about the vegan hot dogs. I thought they'd be the same as the veggie burgers, well...NO, lol.

Glad you woke up feeling energized and blessed!

Ladynay said...

I'm saying Southern! I could remember money a lot more often!!!! LOL

It's not all bad, just the kind of hot dogs I got.

Tasha, yesssss like puttin on a coat you haven't worn in a minute to find a bill or two in the pocket! LOVE IT!

Veggie dogs have NOTHING on veggie burgers from my experience.

Nakki said...

Don't sleep on the boca...I will say the garden burgers taste better though...

I agree...vegan hot dogs, sounds scary!

Extra money...ah...send me a coupla dollars...better yet, brang yo ass to atlanta.