Monday, May 28, 2007

My laptop is definitely female

For the last 3 days my computer has been behaving on and off. Since it seems to have been working for 2 hours without shutting down on me, I am going to try an pull an entry out.

Things have been pretty normal for me. So far I've spent the majority of my 3 day weekend sleeping and studying.

On Saturday Pooka and I went to the mission and helped give out food to the needy. It really gave you one of those warm fuzzy feelings inside. It was also quite humbling because twice I have been on the other side of the table. I wasn't blogging then, but a few years back when I just moved into my place I hit hard times. My main bills were paid but there was no food in the kitchen and no check coming for weeks. Since the county said I made too much money for help, somebody either told me about an another way to find help or I saw a flier, I don't recall, but somehow I got turned on to a family services place.

In meeting with a lady and talking to her about my finances and trying to get help, she asked me if I had food in the house. It kinda took me off guard cuz I was there trying to get bill assistance, but I swallowed my pride and told her the truth and she wrote me a referral to a mission type place. I remember going to the place early and as I was sitting there watching the people prepare bags of food for us tears just flowed from my eyes and I thanked God. I will never ever forget that feeling in my life. Not just the homeless need help. I ended up calling the place again when I had 3 adult "roommates" and couldn't keep enough food in the place.

The mission I volunteered for does this every 2nd and 4th Saturday. This is a great way for me to help people and catch up on my community service hours at school. Two of my old classmates from Dr. Hype's class was there to help out and when I asked them if they have taken Physics II yet they both said no and one of them said that the only person she knew that took it so far is the chick I think I named Redhead on my blog. Redhead is smart and she got a D and was happy with it. They were saying that since the class isn't in her major a D is passing but it won't transfer. In my head I was like "if it's not in her major, why would she sign up for Dr. Hype (the professor that had me in tears a time or two) already knowing how his classes are?" But I lefted it alone. She is grown and knows what she is doing.

I also met a graduating physics major! How about them apples? It didn't dawn on me to ask him for his number till after I got home. It would have been useful to have when I do take Physics II and I need a question broken down for me. Oh well. It was kinda funny talking to him cuz he was telling me how hard anatomy courses are and I was telling him how hard physics courses were! Granted body stuff isn't easy but like I told him, I'd rather figure out how the body works than figure out a physics equation ANYDAY! He laughed and repeated what I said switching the subjects around. LOL I can't even remember what dudes name is. Oh well, if I was supposed to have remembered it, I would have.

After the mission stuff was over I went to get my hair done. Well that is what I thought. All through the week I have been emailing my loctician back and forth about my appt. She needed to go out of town Saturday and wanted to see if I could come in earlier. I had already made my commitment to the mission so I told her no but we could schedule something when she got back. She didn't want to do that...till Saturday came *smirk* so now I get the head right on Friday night. Sometimes folks just need to listen to me. LOL

Sunday was sleep and study and today is about the same with the exception of taking the kid outside for a bit (she was in the house ALL DAY yesterday) and picking up lunch for the week for work. Fun fun fun!



Freaky Deaky said...

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Don't quote me on it but it kind of sounds like your motherboard may be going kaput.

I'm glad they were there for you in your times of need. It's good that you and Pooka are giving back.

Physics and anatomy both sound hard to me.

Anonymous said...

It's good that you take the time out to help those in need. I work for an agency here in South Carolina that also gives assistance with utilities etc. when people need it! It seems like your doing ok now...Im happy for you. Keep doing what your doing don't let anything hold you back!

By the way.....I love your site!

Ladynay said...

Same to you Freaky!

It may be so. Hopefully I will have a cpu for backup by time this thing quits for good.

I agree, it's that whole do unto others...golden rule philosophy.

And computers stuff beyond emailing, blogging, and school stuff sounds hard to me!

Erica, thanks for dropping by and for the love! Yeah I am doing much better now than I was a few years back thank goodness. I am trying to do me and get mine as much as I can. :-)

Jameil said...

what a great story. did you know a study just found giving activates the same sector of your brain that sex does. so they think its inherent to feel good when you give. not asking for help is the surest way not to receive any.

Ladynay said...

Not asking for help is the surest way not to get any...I like that J!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good long weekend (even with the studying).

deepnthought said...

I am happy you had a fulfilling weekend. I have the motherboard issue with my laptop too. unfortunately.

blkbutterfly said...

i used to work for the housing authority at home and i referred many a person to social services places. and you're right, it's not just for homeless ppl. we all get a little down and out at times. i thought about going to a few here in ATL a few months ago, but something else came through.

your post reminds me that i need to get more involved w/ volunteering.

glad you had a fulfilling weekend and i hope your computer issue gets worked out soon. :-)

Tasha said...

It's such a blessing to give back. It allows you to see just how far you've come. Glad you had a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

it really does feel good to volunteer...

sounds like ur keeping busy...

"Not asking for help is the surest way not to get any" - i like that too :-)

Ladynay said...

Yall rock and thanks!

Isn't that a sucky response? LOL


Ms.Honey said...

Glad you had a chill type can read about mine or email me LOL..I'm tired it's almost time to go home