Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Thanks to Honey Libra on the right, I've been tagged (sorta) so here we go.


1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.

2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.

4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

One: It takes my van a few turns of the key to actually turn over. Whatever.

Two: My kid woke up with a wicked cough early this morning so nurse mommy had to do her thing and then state employee Ladynay had a late start cuz she was determined to get decent sleep no matter what.

Three: I am afraid I'll do all this work to get my degree then not use it or have a chance to use it. I am even more afraid of not giving myself the chance to see what will happen with the degree.

Four: I don't drink many sodas, not that I don't like them. I just don't choose it when I have an option.

Five: I am a nice person by nature. Sometimes I wish I was a true cold hearted bitch.

Six: One of my favorite things about myself is my smile. Now if I can just gain the habit of flossing everyday me and my dentist would be happier. LOL!

Seven: Three days a week I don't put anything on my body after I take a shower in the morning. Due to the fact I don't have time to take a shower before my swim class starts, we are recommended not to lotion up or anything till after class. This includes deodorant!!!! OMG, with this 90 degree plus weather, me being a large person, and class not starting till 11:30, sometimes I have that "not so fresh feeling".

Eight: I can't sleep comfortably with out some kind of covering, whether it be a sheet, blanket, quilt, comforter, beach towel, something! I just feel really awkward without something over me.

I don't like picking folks, so if you haven't done it yet and want've been tagged!


deepnthought said...

interesting. #5 is something I even deal with.

#6 and 8 we really do have in common

Ladynay said...

Wouldn't it be nice in certain situations????

Glad you can identify with the smile and the covers :-)

Freaky Deaky said...

You still haven't proven that you understand that you're on the Devil's van schedule, it's not on yours.

Poor Pooka. Did you give her cooties?

If you promise to wear leather booty shorts and latex pants you can be a bitch with me. ;o)

We have number eight in comment.

Anonymous said...

I feel you on #8. I have to have something covering me even when I'm taking a quick nap.

~HoustonNY~ said...

Sorry my dear lady, I have been gone from the scene. I must have really got the boot since I am no longer on your list!! LOL... well, I am slowly coming back so just bear with me. Thanks for the will be my first posting in four or five months!

Miss ya!!

Ladynay said...

Freaky, it's training me good alright! If it wants me to keep giving it gas it'll straighten up!

Nope, her "cousins" did! LOL

I'll one up you and wear a latex thongs with the leather booty shorts *wink*

Glad you know what I am talking about.

Southern, I know! It don't even matter if it's hot in room, I gotta have something! YAY! Yall feel me!

I knnnnnnnnnnnnow that's not who I think it is! That chlorine must have me hallucinating or something! LOL When I click over to your site there better be a good excuse to why you went ghost on me!!!!

Your Favorite Teacher said...

Tag, so now I'm it?

Ladynay said...

Yep! You would be correct Zack! :-)