Monday, July 11, 2005

T minus 11 days!!!!!

My mom called me first thing this morning talking about 11 days! 11 days! I am like 11 days for what? She said it's 11 days till my trip! Now I knew it was coming up but mannnn I really didn't realize that it would be here b4 I know it! I am super excited! This will be my first lonnnnnng distance trip. To date the most I have ever driven in one stretch is 10 hours! Now I won't be stupid. I plan to spend an evening here in one state and an evening there in another. I hope my mojo comes back before I leave. I told my girlfriend that as long as I see one or two naked men up close and personal and be in the area of some alcohol on my actual birthday, I am all good! LOL My family is kinda buggin' out and don't want me to driving all that distance, but it's my birthday a mile stone birthday at that (25) and I will go where I want to :-P

I am officially starting my birthday celebration this weekend. My cousin is throwing a party not to far from my house. It's a shame how you can live so close to blood and never talk to them unless there is a party, some one died, or there is a reunion coming up. Anyways, my peep from all over and when my family comes together to have a party....them jokers PARTY!!!! I am debating if I should allow myself to get on the tipsy side around them. I haven't decided yet. I kinda like the impression they have of me right now, you know "Lady Nay...not Oh my God no she didn't Nay! hahahahahaha! Who knows, I know I am going to have fun, cuz like I said, it's my kickoff! The end of the celebration will be in August when I hit up Chi town with my cousins! I already know that is gonna be one CRAZY trip! I know I am gonna act a pure fool there!

Yesterday was a bad day for me, I told myself I would post everyday like I write in my journal everyday, but a very angry spirit got hold of me and I had to shut down shop. I don't know where it came from. I hate when that happens. I just feel an emotion for no apparent reason. I wish I could blame it on PMS, but I am not menstral (TMI, I know) so I don't know what be going on with me sometimes. I can feel like crying one day, be ight the next, be ready to cuzz someone out, then be just plain irritable! All for no reason. Hmmmmmm weird!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » »