This morning I took K-digga for her pee pee test. All should go well according to her. So this will make 2 jobs. I forgot to jot down that she got the first job. The second joint at Wally World is 3rd shift so she can do both. Her and whitebrotha are excited. Whitebrotha is still a lil' put off because he hasn't had one call and K-digga has received 2 offers. Next....
I pick up my mom today at 5:40ish. I am excited. I love my mom, she is my girl! She didn't tell my grandparents or anyone until 2 days ago that she was moving. Granddad is not taking it well. Being that my granddad is ill and my mom was a part of his care, I just pray my grandmother will have the strength to continue do it without mom. Right now it's just him and her in that house. That is the only negative about my mom moving out.
My aunt told me that she thought that I would have told her about what my mom was planning. HUH? My mom is grown and she will tell what business she wants the family to know about, not mine. I don't go run and tell everything I know about someone, that's part of the reason people tell me what they tell me. Next....
After taking K-digga for her test I went for my yearly physical. I know they are important but mannnnn me and pap smears don't get along. Two positives happened...they got my blood and blood pressure on the very first try. That never ever happens. The nurse was like you must have prayed before you got here. I didn't so I didn't confirm. I was happy anyway. My STD stuff got taken care of too. Even tho' I know how safe I have been, everytime I get any type of STD test done I get anxious. The what if questions start going through my head and it scares me a little. How would I handle it if the nurse tells me I have something? I dunno. I just dunno. I will know about the HIV in 3 weeks. They have tests where you can find out a whole lot sooner but I guess my peeps are old schooling it. Who knows!
While waiting in the lobby the tv was covering Katrina and her aftermath. Of course they mentioned various things then they spent some time focusing on Biloxi, Miss. This struck my attention because one of the bloggers I keep up with lives in Biloxi ( He hasn't blogged since the hurricane and even tho' I don't know him personally, he weighs heavy in my heart like he is a close friend. To see his town on the tv brought me to near tears. All I can do is hope and pray that he and everyone else is okay. Like many others, I hate the fact that all I can do is give some money to Red Cross. I wish there was more.
Now I am saddened again, Next!
Also while waiting in the lobby these 2 chicks walk in. They looked like sisters, if they aren't they are definitely related. Anyways, they both were short, thick, Puerto Rican/Dominican looking chicks, very pretty with the type of body that I would love to have. What made me mad about these chicks was that they didn't wear properly fitting clothes. I asked can you have a body like that and mess it up so awfully! I wanted to smack them! Without exaggerating, one sister had on a jean mini skirt (which actually looked okay) with this tube top...that's where she went wrong. She didn't have extra rolls or nothing but the joint was tooooo tight and she wore a bra with straps! No, the straps were not clear either! Yuck.
Her sister took the cake tho'. She had on some low cut bell bottom jeans that had to be at least 4 sizes too small (I don't know how she sat down) Due to the size of her pants, her tummy roll just lapped over her belt, yes she had a belt on! WTF??? She topped it off with a shirt about 2 sizes to small that stopped around the belly button line. The shirt had mad cleavage and like her sister, she picked the wrong bra for the shirt. If you wanna show cleavage, show cleavage not your bra! Speaking of undergarments... the winnie the pooh panties that showed quite a bit over the low cut jeans were just uncalled for, she could have broke out the cute stuff! The icing on the cake was that she swore she was cute. Once she realized that the ladies in the lobby were looking at her she started changing positions to emphasize herself. Can we have a moment of silence for her please?......................................................................................................Thank you.
I am all for women of size feeling good about themselves and dressing in things that make the feel good. But that was just NASTY. With their body types they could work the heck out of some clothes. I wish I had it so I could show them. I am not into fashion but I KNOW I could do better than that! Next....
My weekend plans consist of buying my moms bed, grocery shopping, and chiling. Whitebrotha used the term "shopping spree" on my way out the door. I don't know what kind of shopping spree he is going on, he don't have no money! Shoot, I got money and not going on a daggone spree. What he said didn't hit me until I was driving down the road! I really need to address that!
Have a wonderful and safe weekend.
Yea, I feel the same way about LJ...our boy in Biloxi...I wish I had his cell # or something...
Coming Into Reality,
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