Tuesday, August 22, 2006

School Stuff

I am tired as *insert curse word*.

My EP class is being taught by a non teacher (Nurse Snooze) who doesn't know how to lecture. It's bad enough the class is from 7-9:30, but to be softspoken and dull as the back end of a butter knife sure doesn't help. Then add the fact that she writes the notes for you already!!! So I can't even try to stay busy taking notes. Then add that I sit in the back of the class because I don't want Pooka to be moving around alot in the front of the class distracting folk. So the key to passing this class is staying awake! The good news is I can bring Pooka with me. As far as eyecandy goes, there really isn't any. All the folk from my Kines class with the exception of one are in my EP class then add about 20 new folk. I kept trying to make the guy with the tongue laugh so he'd stick it out, but I failed. LOL

I would test out of the class because looking at the syllabus I know the material already, but if I do that it will mess up my financial aid and I can't have that.

My 1st Physics class is today. Needless to say I don't want to go out in the rain but I will.

Pooka's teacher told me for the last week or so she has been having listening issues. She thinks it's because she has started playing with the boys and the boys are having listening issues. She doesn't want to play with girls for some reason. She said that she was fine till she started playing with the boys. I don't know how to remedy this. Hopefully when she meets a new set of people at school she'll get it together. I don't know. I birthed a prissy tomboy!

I am tired, I would do a meme but I don't feel like looking for one right now. Bleh!


Ms.Honey said...

I feel ya on the tired kick I packed and then watched the Spike Lee special on HBO..I feel like it's Monday haah

Ladynay said...

U ain't lying. I need my bed ASAP!

~HoustonNY~ said...

Uh oh....baby's growing up before your eyes! Keep an eye on that one... she just may break a lot of hearts!

fuzzy said...

u think a two and a half class is tough, try a six hour one!

meljoy said...

No eye candy? That sucks, they always make classes more interesting and make you want to seem more intelligent. 7am, or 7pm?

You're tired? I got ONE hour of sleep last night! ONE!! simply kuz I couldn't sleep, but I am off to sleep in a few sec... *snore*

Ladynay said...

She's gonna be a heartbreaker...it's in the blood T! LOL

Fuzzy.....SIX HOURS!!!!!! That's not a class, that's a part time job!

Ladynay said...

Mel, 7pm to 9:30pm but Nurse Snore said most of the time we will be out by 9. One hour of sleep is INSANE!

Freaky Deaky said...

Sometimes I'm kind of slow on the uptake but am I missing something? You know the material well enough to test out of it and she gives you the notes so you don't even have to take any. Unless her exams involve a lot of lecture material then look like you're paying attention and study for another class or something. I usually hate classes that are taught by people like that and happen to be easy but every now and then I can just chill and that's two hours I don't need to stress over.

Ladynay said...

What's missing Freak?

I will most likely bring a magazine or something because judging by the diagnostic exam my physics prof gave this morning, it's basically what I learned in Kines!

It's gonna be one long boring semester. I hope they get harder as the semester gets started good. As crazy as it sounds I prefer harder courses.

4EverJennayNay said...

I hate night classes. I get so restless. I cant sit still. Then I want to start drawing, writing and remembering random sex scenes. LOL! Night classes are the worst!

Ladynay said...

LOL@ random sex scenes. Night classes are a pain, but since I got other obligations during the morning hours night and weekend classes are the way to go for me. Pretty soon there won't be any classes that I need that are going to be offered in the evening/night/weekend. I am not sure how I am going to handle that, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.