Thank God for men. To be specific thank God for black men. To be even more specific thank God for black shirtless men.....*sigh*
In my Assessment class we had to take info from someone hooked up to an ECG/EKG. When TJ asked for a volunteer to get hooked up nobody raised their hand. Then one of the Athletic Trainer majors volunteered this dude Corey...and now I know why she did! Corey agreed to do it and proceeded to remove his shirt to be hooked up....
In Jesus name Amen!
I didn't stare but I had to steal some looks cuz he was just beautiful. Who knew alla dat was under that shirt! Even Pooka caught herself an eyeful! After he was hooked up TJ asked for volunteers to hook the leads up and to take his blood pressure. Most the ladies liked to fell out their chairs wanting to touch on him. I sat on my hands. I don't know how the trainers do it. Touching on athletes with bodies like TO all the time. I guess if your around nice bodies all day everyday the thrill dies down and you become immune to it. *shrug* My goal is to work with the older population so I won't have to worry about that too much.
Also, thank God for a working radio. I think the van has a short in the electrical system cuz now the radio works when it wants to. Buying a new one is still in the plan but I am going to hold off until the one I have goes back out completely again.
I bet the eye candy makes a trainers job much easier.
Luvin, I am sure it don't hurt! LOL
Dang no camera phone LOL...I needs me a shirtless black man in my life LOL...even Pooka got to see it now you know I'm hurt LOL...I guess it's just like gynocologist who are men you seen one you seen em all lol
body like TO??? i may not have volunteered to touch him... but i sure woulda been staring! lol
Nah Honey no camera phone! LOL I could just imagine a male ob/gyn doing his internship though! I guess all the fun is getting to the part your immune to it...either that or seeing a really gross one! UGH!
TTD, girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl I did what I could not to stare. I got me a lot of good glances in! ROFL There are really some nice looking features on folks in the world....*sigh*
I took an Poly Sci class with about 10 football players in college. I made a C in the class because I just couldn't pay attention in class. And the worst part was having to leave each class with my backpack in front of me.
I thank God daily for the creations he has given us. It has become a tad difficult for me at the gym lately. I wonder why?... I dont think I could be a pt and look at that everyday. I am with ttd, t.o. might not get a touch but he would get a stare.
Norris honey my classes basically from here on out are in a BUILDING with nothing but athletes can you imagine what that's like? ROFL
DNT, girl I got an email forward a long time ago w/a bunch of TO pics. If I still had it I'd share it with you! LOL I am glad you're in the gym, keep up the good work and don't quit! I need to be in somebodies gym! LOL
For shame Ladynay! Visually molesting that poor man who was just trying to help you and others in that class with a demonstration. [Shaking my head.] I don't even know if I can look at you the same way after reading that. LOL! I knew you were a perv.
the hardest thing for me was when I used to work out with football and baseball boys when I was in undergrad. Girrrrrrrrrrrlllll. It was NICE real nice.
hmmm...trainer. Could I make a career change? That would be a yes.
I'd just be working wit dem bodies and praying on Jesus name! Somebody got to lay hands!
Perv? Me? I was just ummmm appriciating the hard work he put into his body *clearing throat* Yep! LOL
DNT, I bet it was! Yum!
J, don't make the change! Trainers are on call 24/7....then again nothing wrong with laying of hands on bodies like that 24/7....hmmmmm
Oh Yea Eye Candy! Exactly what is your major?!
HEY Mrs. PAM! Physical Therapy.
Damn I picked the wrong profession. I can only imagine how crazy the ladies (and some of the guys) went when seeing that hard body...:-)
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