I'm tagging three bloggers to add a line to the one I'm writing below, just to see what happens when several different energies take the same projected path. This should be fun:
I watched from the corner as you moved to the beat
wondering just how much paper you bring in performing on these streets
Yeah I know it didn't have to rhyme but it's easy. LOL I'll tag....ummm....I haven't actually put folks out there in a while! LOL Ummmmm Reg, Stone, and Emotional Brother. Wonder if they'll read me today and do it? Hmmmmm.
"cause your swagger told me you were about your business, but that money...
LOL...yea yea I need a thug in my life SIKE no I don't nooo hood boy needed here :)
I know I wasn't tagged just thought it was cute plus....I'M FIRSSSSTTTT
That's a good idea, how about we continue the poem in my comment section just in case my tags don't read me today!
You know Music is a thug! (j/k)
I watched from the corner as you moved to the beat
wondering just how much paper you bring in performing on these streets
cause your swagger told me you were about your business, but that money...
Can you do the tag as stated? LOL
This is going to be hilarious!
I DID!!!! I added a line and tagged 3 folks! *eyeroll*
Then I twirked it on my blog so the folks I didn't tag could participate too. LOL
They can wait their turn just like everybody else. I guarantee in this little eworld, they'll get a chance...
hey lady what's poppin I hope all is well with you.
Nah, we're impatient round here! LOL
HEY Ms. J!
Continuing where honey-libra left off:
"...could be the root of something evil or the start of something good..."
Keep it going.
...the hopes of something good engulf my senses with every movement made...
It took me just bout all day to think of something! HA!
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