Wednesday, February 28, 2007

If it's not one thing it's another

I haven't had the best morning.

I wanted to post about Niggers/Niggas/Niggahs/ but I'll wait.

My computer still freezes.

My van door has started acting up.

I forgot to pick up some documents off my table and I went back home after dropping Pooka off at daycare to get them.

I got what I needed and STILL left something else.

I can't find my PDA I just acquired.

My lunch is in the home.

I want to believe that I picked up my daughters birth certificate and put it in my purse.

It's not in my purse.

I HATE rushing because of mornings like this.


Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwww things will get better. I missed ya chica!

Ladynay said...

It will. In rereading my post it don't seem so bad but all this little stuff was going on right after one another so it felt like a lot. :-(

Beana said...

*sigh* woo woo woo!

Ms.Honey said...

Sometimes your mind just moves faster than your body :)

Ladynay said...

LOL! Ummmm okay J!

Honey, you ain't never lied. I have started to catch up with myself so I am good :-D

Anonymous said...

Mornings like that make you wanna just get back in the bed, go to sleep, and start all over again.

Freaky Deaky said...

Sounds like your day started out kind of craptacular.

I bet you forgot about that $1,000 you said I could have yesterday didn't you? :o(

Anonymous said...

sorry ur not having a good day.. hopefully things will get better really soon :-)


blkbutterfly said...

i'm sorry your day started off on the wrong foot. i hope it's picked up since then.

Ladynay said...

Southern, EXACTLY I could have used a do over this morning.

FD, I intentionally forgot that :-D

TTD, yeah it's slowly getting together.

BB, it has thanks! :-)

deepnthought said...


I am glad its picking up...

That Girl said...

hey...hang in there

Ladynay said...

Thanks DNT! My girl just spent a half hour to forty five minutes telling me about the secret...:-D I don't feel lost anymore. LOL

TG, I will no doubt :-P

Freaky Deaky said...

That's just mean, Ladynay, mean for no reason.

deepnthought said...

I sent you an email with the link I take it you didnt get it.... I thought I sent it right....

Ladynay said...

FD, And? LOL

DNT, nah I never got it but it's all good. Thanks anyway.

Paula D. said...

Girl, hope you will have a better day tomorrow!