Monday, May 14, 2007

Blessed beyond measure

I was gonna complain about my financial situation, but I won't. I have figured out a way to solve my money issues and whether or not I like my choice stuff is getting taken care of.

Saturday it rained and stormed basically all day so it was a lounge in the house and clean type day.

Mommy's day the clouds were competing with the sun but in all the day turned out nice weather wise. I met up with Lsbnmom and Ladykat for bunch at some spot near my place I never been to. I was running a tad late due to the time I had to sit and wait for my citation from the police...*sigh*

When I left my place Sunday morning I wasn't in the best of moods cuz my mom called and told me a family member passed. I was not that close to the person, but I was still saddened. Then I thought to myself..."well the restaurant is about 5 miles from here, I'll take the car since I haven't driven it in awhile." So that is what I did. So I get on the road and within minutes I see flashing blue lights. My tags are expired, great! So I am on the verge of tears when I get to the restaurant. At the time I was trying to confirm me paying for school and now I gotta scrape up an extra $135 on top of that? Whatever. I wasn't gonna let it spoil my mommy day brunch.

We eat and talk and I found many instances of the convo funny cuz every now and again lsbnmom would chime in on something I've said and be like "I read that on your blog" and smile. LOL Too funny. Ladykat says she is gonna try and be like me and blog everyday. I wonder if she is really gonna do it. I have my doubts but hey, stranger things have happened. :-)

After brunch the one of the countriest ideas gets thrown in the mix. Lsbnmom had the urge to go strawberry picking. Now she had mentioned the idea a few days ago and I was blown away. I didn't know that we even had strawberry patches in Raleigh, but apparently we do. So that is what we did! Pooka nor I have been strawberry picking before so it was a new experience. Pooka had a good time running up and down the rows and I found it to be very therapeutic. I can see me and Pooka doing that again. A good time was had plus you save some dinero on what you pick and I am allllllllll about saving a dollar where I can! Oh then your only paying for the berries you want, at the store you don't know what the berries look like in the middle! So it was all good.

After that I spent some time just chilling with the ladies. Pooka busied herself playing with the new puppy they acquired and that was pretty much it. I chilled until I started to get really tired and wanted to stretch out on my own couch. I got home cut up my berries and pretty much chilled the night out. I did make all my mothers day calls and even returned a call I got from babydaddys mother!!! That kinda surprised me cuz that call wasn't expected. She kinda caught an attitude when I told her that for some reason *shrug*. She wants me to bring Pooka up to NY for a birthday party this summer. It is for the matriarch of their fam and she wants Pooka there so she can see her. I don't know how I feel bout that. I told her I would get up with her son and he can work all that out. When he called me (at 10:30 last night) to wish me a happy mothers day I relayed the message. His response was about money *sigh*. So I am guessing if I don't make a way for Pooka to get up there to see her, she may not see her. That kinda sucks cuz I want Pooka to know and interact with her other grandma and it's not very often that she is on the east coast.

Ummmmm his momma also invited me and her son to her birthday LA...yeah...ummmm....yeah...scratch your head with me now.....WTH? Talking about "I would really like my son to be there." Like I got something to do with that! I told her in a nice way that I most likely will not be in attendance but I would let her son know of her plans. If you haven't guessed by now Babydaddy and his mom don't really connect that well. I am not the middle man for them. If you want to talk to or see Pooka get at me cuz she is most likely with me, but if you want to talk to or see your son. CALL YOUR SON!!!!! His phone is on more likely than not so call him!!!!!! I wanted to say that but I didn't. *sigh*

Anyways, my mothers day was nice and chill. Just how I wanted it. Even if my own sperm donor couldn't waste 30 seconds to call and wish me a good day...


deepnthought said...


I am glad you had a chill time. I think you deserve it.

The other grandma= interesting.

Strawberries are great. Yet I am allergic. I KNOW, dont say it.

I know your week is going to be phenomenal. Cause you are.....

Freaky Deaky said...

Maybe you should make it a point to start reciting babydaddy's phone number whenever she mentions him. Eventually, she should get the point to call him and leave you out of it.

Boo @ the po-po! N.W.A. was right about them. Then again you were ridin' dirty so boo @ you too. Yeah, that should just about cover it. :o)

Let me guess you wore something really tight and had on heels while picking strawberries didn't you? It's okay.

Hey I can donate some spe...oh you were talking about something else. Never mind.

blkbutterfly said...

sorry to hear about the ticket. i know all too well what that feels like. at least he didn't impound it.

ah, berry picking! :-) you took me back to blackberry picking days at my great grandparent's farm.

babydaddy's mother sounds very interesting...

Ladynay said...

I'm 3rd DNT! :-)

Awww thanks!

Interesting isn't the word girl...

Just cuz you said don't say it I won't, ROFL!

It has started off pretty good. I claimed Blessed beyond Measure and so far so good! :-D

Freaky, maybe I should cuz it's annoying when she does that.

Me and the law don't mess well together.

Yeah I had on my cat suit with the 6 inchers, how'd you know? *wink*

*smh* Nasty!

BB, this isn't my first ticket for stale tags *sigh*

Glad I could help take you back :-)

She is .... something....

Ladynay said...

OK, I forgot to change 3rd to 4th.

and 5th :-)

Freaky Deaky said...

That's much better than bib overalls, a white t-shirt, a straw hat, and a pair of big bug eyed sunglasses.

I'm sure I'll be reading about a police chase or a shootout between you and Adam 12 one of these days.

Nasty? I wouldn't know nasty if it licked me on the inner thighs.

Anonymous said...

Never been strawberry picking but have been peacon picking plenty of times. That's a good way to make a quick and easy $30.

Glad to hear your day was the way you wanted it.

Ladynay said...

What chu talkin' bout Freaky, that is standard pickin' gear rite der son! LOL

You might, I can tell you it's gonna be me and some Durham County! ROFL

Sure sir...sure! *eyeroll*

Southern, never did pecans but now I want to since you said it. Hmmmmm

Didn't say anything bad about yours so I'll say the same for you. :-)

Anonymous said...

strawberry picking.. sounds interesting.. sounds like it could be fun... especially for pooka..

sorry bout the ticket.. that sucks BIG time...

Ladynay said...

We had a good time, it was different :-)

I am going to go to the court house and see if they will drop the charges when I show them I got my I am hoping it won't suck so bad.

Nakki said...

Happy Mother's Day...yeah! I know it's a week late. I don't know why I don't have your it to me.
