Monday, December 03, 2007

Birth Control and so on....

This weekend I had the pleasure to watch a friends 3 kids (2-2yr olds and a 5 month old) and if I didn't learn anything else, I've learned I am not ready for more kids right now. While holding the 5 month old I tried to type up some stuff on my now completed project for Dr. P (Thank you Lord) and it wasn't working for me. I don't know how parents deal with a small baby on their own and get all their school work done! While adjusting to his new environment he didn't want to sleep long! It was like he'd fall asleep while I was feeding him, I'd burp him, he'd fall asleep for awhile, I'd try to lay him in the portable crib and dude would wake up! If it wasn't as soon as I put him down it wasn't long after! I had flashbacks of when Pooka would wake up every 3 hours ready to eat! Man o man, like I said...birth control!

I decided to dress up for work and school last week. Some of it was me having the interview last Thursday (I got in, orientation in on the 17th so I predict Pooka or me will be too sick for me to come to work that day *wink*) and not wanting my coworkers all in my business. The other part was me just feeling like flipping the script. I always rock tee shirt, jeans, and sneakers to work. On Tuesdays you'll see me in sweats cuz I am on the floor with my kids. So I just felt like wearing the clothes I'm supposed to wear to work! LOL My coworkers didn't know what to do with themselves when I came through nice day after day rocking the work gear.

I don't know if it's residuals from last week, but I got 2 compliments today (it's 7:30am) on my appearance!!!!! The only reason I mention this is cuz I am back to my tee shirt and jeans! LOL Hmmmmm maybe it's the glow I have cuz this is the last week of classes b4 finals! *praise shout* I don't know but a sista is feeling mighty good from the kind words. :-)

Edit: Would you get upset if you got a email at work that stated the following?

As the holiday frenzy of food, gifts, decoration accelerates, I want to ask most especially that you not give *insert childs name* and me any food gifts. I really prefer no gifts at all, but especially no food. First let me explain.
*The work load has increased. Dual procedures for *insert new system we use* complicate it even more. I am trying to simplify matters, at least for myself, by trying not to bring holiday observance to work. Be assured that I do participate in various Chanukah and Christmas observances outside of work. I also want to note that multi-culturalism means that all people do not observe Christmas. Some people observe no holidays. This creates first amendment/constitutional issues that need to be respected. There is a danger in imposing customs on other people. I will not got my feelings get hurt if I get no gifts, cards, food, ornaments, etc., and if I leave my work space undecorated. Don’t feel sorry for people who don’t celebrate exhuberantly. People are different.

*insert childs name* and I eat almost no candy. *insert childs name* rarely even takes a piece of candy. He hands it back to the giver-sometimes hurting the giver’s feelings. Rather than try to say in the bustle of the season what I eat or don’t eat, I just prefer not to get anything. I do not pass food gifts along because of the health and behavioral/emotional problems caused by sugar binges.

I would greatly prefer that time and money expended on food and gifts go to a charitable organization that operates year-round. I will leave the choice of a charity to the individual.

Let me explain. My office likes to do it up for holidays. Christmas being the biggy. The week b4 Christmas some coworkers like to give random santa gifts. Example, you may come to work to find your favorite candy bar, a scented candle, a Christmas shaped little debbie, etc...something simple on your desk. This goes on the whole week ending with a best decorated office/cube thing with the winner getting a pretty cool gift. Me personally I don't give out stuff nor decorate but some coworkers really like doing it. No biggie.

I took the coworkers email to say, hey, don't give me anything this year. Me nor my kid really eats that stuff. Oh and I am not participating in the competition so don't ask me. No big deal right? Well some of my coworkers got there panties in a bunch and taking it all out of proportion, like she is trying to shut down Christmas or something. One person actually went to our administrator about it! WTH? I complimented another coworker on her Christmas sweater she was wearing. Her response was "I guess this will be the last time I'll wear it, did you see so and so's email?" What does her email have to do with you wearing a seasonal sweater?


Calgone take me away! All darn ready!!!!!


deepnthought said...

birth control is right. lol

I would have taken the same response you did.

Yayyyyyy on the orientation..

blkbutterfly said...

my students are my built in birth control. :-)

as for the e-mail, i think her sentiment is understandable. i just don't know if i liked the tone of the e-mail and the lengthiness. then again, given how big a deal it is for your job, perhaps it was appropriate.

Anonymous said...

LMAO at you and the kiddies. I bet Pooka had a blast with the little ones. I know I couldn't handle that many small kids at one time.

Congrats on getting in. I KNEW you would. HOORAY!!!!

It's funny how people get worked up over the smallest things. They need to be happy their getting the heads up so they aren't wasting money. Some people!!!!

Promiscuous X said...

Ya Co-workers are a mess. We are doing the same thing in our office except we are adopting a family. (IFF) does this every christmas an we participate.

You gone with your bad self rockn them Tees and Jeans lol If you like it i love it.

and about the Birth control. I wish my sister would have used it. but as a result im claiming her son on my taxes lmao.

dreamyj said...

some people take things too far. i would have the same mentality as you, that is her decision, that doesn't affect anyone else but her and her receipt of said items. more for everyone else!

Ladynay said...

DNT, with the nieces and nephews I know you know what I'm talking about! LOL

BB, I know that's right! ROFL I give teachers like you, jaybee, fuzzy, and torrance sooo much props. That's definitely a field you won't see me in! LOL

Her email was a bit much but ALL her emails are. It's her style.

Goddess, she had a blast ordering them around since she was the oldest of the crew by a few years! ROFL

YAY!I hope that this helps push the door open that much more to my career!

I'M SAYING! *smh*

X, that's nice of you all to adopt a family. The organization at large does that too. Maybe I will suggest our division to do it *shrug*

I lubs me some comfy clothes where how I sit won't matter to no one! :-D

So come the beginning of the year you gonna give all the bloggers a dollar right? *wink*

dreamyj, hello? I don't recall your name so I assume you are new, if so WELCOME!!!!

Hear hear, again it wasn't that serious! People want what that want and celebrate how they chose or not chose to! Sheesh!

Darius T. Williams said...

Hmmm - yea, I'm not ready for kids.

and um, can I say I hear you on this being the last of the semester? I have a week and a half left!

Anonymous said...

I can't think about watching three toddlers at the same time. That's too much energy!

I would have took her email as saying more money in my pocket b/c that's one less person I don't have to give to.

Ladynay said...

Duuuuuris, sure you are!

I know people around me are tired of me counting down days and assignments but I can't help it! ROFL

Southern, I had 3 toddlers plus an arm baby girl! LOL Honestly, after the first day, it wasn't tooooooooooo bad.

Thank you! Again, wasn't that serious...

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

would like to see u im them jeans and t shirts hon

Ladynay said...

Oh you don't want to see the outfit for today man, trust! LOL

That Dude Right There said...

So she doesn't celebrate Christmas like the rest. Big deal. The others should have read the email, made a mental note, and deleted it.

AR Gal said...

Congrats on getting in! YAY!!

That email would have been the last thing I would have been upset about. Folks just like to create drama for no damn reason *sighs*

Ladynay said...

TDRT&ARgal, That's what I did! & Ur right!