Friday, April 10, 2015

My fit test results

I did my extremely modified, fat girl Fit Test moments ago. In the real program they recommend that you take the fit test every 2 weeks so you can track your progress. I am doing something close to the Insa.nity program. Meaning...I did not start on a Sunday and instead of taking a "rest day" every Sunday I take my "rest day" on the day I am supposed to do a certain workout in which my DVD doesn't work, LOL! I also do NOT drink the reco.very formula or shake.ology that is recommended. I also missed a few days if time honestly did not allow it (which was only 2 days) Does that make sense? Probably not, LOL! Anywho, I am using this tool to get my cardiovascular game up and tone up these muscles! Not to follow the program to the letter.

I twerked my right knee again during TKD yesterday, so jumping was definitely out of the question today as I took the test. Safety first!

My results:
Modified switch kicks: beginning 66, today 74
Modified power squats: beginning 26, today 31
Taebo Kicks: beginning 41, today 75 (WOWZERS!)
Modified power jumps: beginning 21, today 30
Modified Globe squats: beginning 15/4, today 27/4
Suicide jumps w/o jumping: beginning 4, today 9
Push up jacks (on knees): beginning 1, today 10
Modified plank: beginning 2 each, today 4 each

I like it!


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