Monday, May 28, 2007

My laptop is definitely female

For the last 3 days my computer has been behaving on and off. Since it seems to have been working for 2 hours without shutting down on me, I am going to try an pull an entry out.

Things have been pretty normal for me. So far I've spent the majority of my 3 day weekend sleeping and studying.

On Saturday Pooka and I went to the mission and helped give out food to the needy. It really gave you one of those warm fuzzy feelings inside. It was also quite humbling because twice I have been on the other side of the table. I wasn't blogging then, but a few years back when I just moved into my place I hit hard times. My main bills were paid but there was no food in the kitchen and no check coming for weeks. Since the county said I made too much money for help, somebody either told me about an another way to find help or I saw a flier, I don't recall, but somehow I got turned on to a family services place.

In meeting with a lady and talking to her about my finances and trying to get help, she asked me if I had food in the house. It kinda took me off guard cuz I was there trying to get bill assistance, but I swallowed my pride and told her the truth and she wrote me a referral to a mission type place. I remember going to the place early and as I was sitting there watching the people prepare bags of food for us tears just flowed from my eyes and I thanked God. I will never ever forget that feeling in my life. Not just the homeless need help. I ended up calling the place again when I had 3 adult "roommates" and couldn't keep enough food in the place.

The mission I volunteered for does this every 2nd and 4th Saturday. This is a great way for me to help people and catch up on my community service hours at school. Two of my old classmates from Dr. Hype's class was there to help out and when I asked them if they have taken Physics II yet they both said no and one of them said that the only person she knew that took it so far is the chick I think I named Redhead on my blog. Redhead is smart and she got a D and was happy with it. They were saying that since the class isn't in her major a D is passing but it won't transfer. In my head I was like "if it's not in her major, why would she sign up for Dr. Hype (the professor that had me in tears a time or two) already knowing how his classes are?" But I lefted it alone. She is grown and knows what she is doing.

I also met a graduating physics major! How about them apples? It didn't dawn on me to ask him for his number till after I got home. It would have been useful to have when I do take Physics II and I need a question broken down for me. Oh well. It was kinda funny talking to him cuz he was telling me how hard anatomy courses are and I was telling him how hard physics courses were! Granted body stuff isn't easy but like I told him, I'd rather figure out how the body works than figure out a physics equation ANYDAY! He laughed and repeated what I said switching the subjects around. LOL I can't even remember what dudes name is. Oh well, if I was supposed to have remembered it, I would have.

After the mission stuff was over I went to get my hair done. Well that is what I thought. All through the week I have been emailing my loctician back and forth about my appt. She needed to go out of town Saturday and wanted to see if I could come in earlier. I had already made my commitment to the mission so I told her no but we could schedule something when she got back. She didn't want to do that...till Saturday came *smirk* so now I get the head right on Friday night. Sometimes folks just need to listen to me. LOL

Sunday was sleep and study and today is about the same with the exception of taking the kid outside for a bit (she was in the house ALL DAY yesterday) and picking up lunch for the week for work. Fun fun fun!


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Peek a boo!

Feels like it's been a month since I've blogged. I have actually peeked at some blogs today. Doing the work you're paid to do most of the day kinda sucks. LOL

Nothing new is going on with me. Today I have been feeling non existence. That's the best way I can put it. I had a moment earlier where I thought that if I was really non existent no one would give a damn outside of my immediate fam. The thoughts have since gone back to the corner it came from.

My class is kicking my butt. I can do it but I just gotta bust my ass. Right now I am at the library about to take my online quizzes and watch some stuff to help me out for exam 2 on Tuesday. Hence this post will be brief.

This weekend I plan to study, do some volunteer work giving out food at a church, get my hair done, go to the Bodies...the Exhibition thing that's in Durham, then come home and study. Sunday I am going to go to the country for a bit to hang with the fam. I want to but I don't want to go. There isn't really much to do there and I could be home studying. Whatever. Monday is study study study and study for my exam. No one has told me about any cookouts and I am not in a position to invite folks over so it will be just another day I have to study.

Job is the job still want a new one. The issue I am having now is if I find a good evening/night time position, who will watch Pooka?

Speaking of, she is supposed to be going up north for the summer. That would be kinda cool so if I did find something soon I could go ahead and start (assuming I got hired) and have more time to find care for her. It would be nice if Babydaddy could hurry up and tell me if and when he can or can't do something.

Well time is ticking, gotta study.

Monday, May 21, 2007


I gotta really chill on the blogging/blog reading/net stuff during work thing for awhile. So until stuff blows over please don't think I don't have no net luv for yall or that something is wrong with me. I don't have the net at home and I am not going to the library everyday. I am gonna peek here and there but nothing near what I usually do.



I have been slacking on the blog thing trying to do other stuff :-(

This weekend was chill. Saturday I studied and went to the library to do some online stuff for my class since I pretty much still don't have a laptop. I got a chance to finally watch and listen to all my audio bloggers and emails. I was bout to crack the heck up at some points. Southerngirl sent me this ghetto sesame street video and I had to chuckle out loud! LOL People kept looking at me. I had a bunch of funny stuff to catch up on. At one point I was watching an older white woman walking it out in the middle of the street and even tho' the dude beside me couldn't hear it (I had on earphones) he had to watch w/me. It was bad computer etiquette but I didn't mind, I may have looked on his screen if what was on mine was on his. :-) After I came home I studied some more and cooked some chicken on the grill with mesquite wood chips blended with the charchol. MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN it came out simply delish! *self pat on back*

Sunday I didn't go to the bodies exhibit at the mall, but I did hang out with LadyKat and Lsbnmom. The original plan was to take the kiddies to this art festival of sorts downtown, but when it came time to go nobody was really feeling it. It was too HAWT outside for me. So it was decided just to hang out and throw some stuff on the grill at LadyKats. Cool. I needed to get out the house. We chilled, watched some of Jackie Brown and Million Dollar Baby. We caught Jackie Brown in the middle and MDB got cut sort due to a power outage. I have to rent both movies later to get the whole picture.

Today I took my first exam for my class. I didn't do as good as I thought I would. For instance, instead of putting down "stylus process of the fifth metatarsal" I put down "fifth metatarsal" which is wrong! Then with some of the items I would put an answer down, change it, then change it back only to change it again. I always mess myself up doing that. You always go with your first answer. I know this put didn't apply it. Oh well. Four more exams to go. I did get 40 out of 40 on my coloring book :-D It's easy credit but it takes time to color all that stuff! I didn't fail, that's for sure and that's all that matters. I may just spend the money to go visit that exhibit to boost up my points now that know I missed points on the test.

I also got my sticker for my car. YAY! Now I got to wait till my court date and see if they would drop the charges. Hopefully I won't have to pay the court fee if they drop it. I should call and see if I do so I will be prepared just in case I gotta come off the $110 fee :-( *sigh*

Friday, May 18, 2007

Stress free zone

Yesterday was just another day to make me look up jobs. Let's track back....

In the past week or so the upper level management has been getting really petty. I know they are probably up to something, investigating something, or trying to figure out who to get rid of. Which is why I won't be having long blog entries for awhile, not that they are all that long anyways...but still. So I have been looking around to see what is out there.

Yesterday morning I had a dental appointment where I had an hygienist straight out of dental school cuz she gave me teeth 101 up in there, which was starting to get annoying after awhile. After the appointment, it was time for class so I did that. Did my thing and found out I can get extra credit for going to see the Bodies the Exhibition thing that is now in Durham. I may just go see it for the credit this weekend, not sure yet.

I get into work about lunch time and work is going like work does. Then one of my coworkers comes in my office and asks me if I saw something from her in my chair when I came in. I told her no not from her. She says okay and leaves. Then she comes back in my office a few minutes later and tells me that ComDen(that's what I'll call the coworker that has issues with so many people in the office...she is the common denominator) saw that the box that she works from (that's in my office) was empty, saw the packet the coworker but in my chair, picked it up, took off the note she left on the packet, asked our supervisor if she can work what was there, got permission and did it.

Now let me say that this week a new rule was put into place that whenever a 2nd level makes corrections to a 1st levels work, we have to give it to our administrator first (who is a step above our supervisor).

The coworker put a little packet of her work that she wasn't sure about and wanted my opinion on (part of my job is answering ?'s when folks are not sure) in my chair since I wasn't here before submitting it to 2nd level workers to look at.

ComDom looks it over and gives the corrections to our administrator. Our admin then calls my coworker to her office and reprimands her on her mistakes! Which I guess prompted her to ask me if I saw the packet *shrug* Now my coworker is offended because she got reprimanded by a big dog about work that wasn't supposed to get worked by a 2nd level yet. She has questions about it which is why she put in IN MY CHAIR vs. IN THE BOX where the 2nd levels work from. So she is pissed and venting to me. I get pissed because ComDom had no right to get anything from my chair anyway. I pull ComDom outside to address the fact that my coworker and I are offended at her actions. She gets angry cuz she got permission to do the work and raises her voice at me. Now you would think I would get ghetto but it was the funniest thing ever when she did it. Then she started to cry which for some reason I thought was even funnier. I didn't laugh in her face thank God. She runs back into the building in tears and I go straight to my supervisor and tell her what all went down in the last 10 minutes.

Yada, yada my supervisor apologizes for authorizing ComDom to do the stuff in my chair and my admin apologizes to my coworker for her reprimand. So we are good. ComDom apologizes to me for raising her voice at me I accept it.

I know that ComDom isn't gonna stick her nose where it don't belong.

I know that this post doesn't flow well cuz I am working, trying to listen to the radio (a major anchor at one of the stations I listen to in the morning was out for a month. This is his first day back and we finally find out what happened to him), and typing this out.

Long story very short.. .ComDom took something out my office that wasn't for her, my supervisor approved, things got to my administrator, my coworker gets reprimanded for something she wasn't sure about to begin with and never should have reached the hands of my admin.

Now I don't mind folks wanting to do my work, shoot take it all I don't care. But if someone wrote a note on something FOR ME, you leave that stuff alone. *eyeroll*

EDIT: stuff done popped off this morning ALREADY!!! Now HR and my Deputy (who is over my administrator) is involved! Thank God I don't have nothing to do with what's going on today. *hands in prayer I don't get called into no one's office for NOTHING!*

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thoughts on 5/15 for 5/16

Why come up with a policy that we all have to adhere to that don't make sense, then ask me months later the details of the policy YOU came up with? I just had to get that out cuz I couldn't laugh in his face nor make him feel bad cuz he is "someone important".

My new teacher has a tongue ring. I spent the first few minutes of her lecture trying to make sure I saw what I saw. She has a decent sized silver ball.

I wonder what her colleagues think?

My official first day of class told me one thing. I am going to have to earn my A. I am up to the challenge. I love anatomy. I just gotta pull that old info back to the forefront of my brain.

There are 3 chicks taking her for the second time. I won't let that phase me.

In her class a 89.99 is a B. Period.

Since I am towards the end of my degree I am taking classes with pretty much the same ole people. Too bad I still don't know most of their names.

I wish I already secured my next job after this.

Wonder if I get a job doing what I want to do when I get DPT behind my name.

Part of our assignments is to color. Seriously.

What if something really cool happens tonight and I've blogged for 5/16?

I love being able to blog about the big and small things. I can blog as many times as I want and about whatever I want to.

My nails are growing. That is usually a bad sign but I don't think so this time.

I still bite my inner cheek. My dentist will LOVE it!

Pooka has a dental appt. Friday. I totally missed the original date and had to reschedule.

I am taking her to see Sesame St. live at the end of the month. They are not advertising it at all! The only way I know about it is cuz ticket master sends me emails about what's coming through.

I should tell the ladies so they can take their kids if they want.

Puerto Rico (blogged about her 11/14/06 don't know how to link maybe I should reteach myself as I wait to go home...hmmmmmm) finally legally divorced her husband that doesn't give a crap about her. She is talking about marrying him again. I know love is a powerful drug but DAMN! I told her if she remarried him I would smack her. I said it in jest but I just might. She is lonely and the dude that was waiting for her got tired of waiting and moved on. The whole situation just bothers me.

I have to stop letting it bother me. It's her life. It's her life. It's her life.

I wonder when Trent is going to send me my book.

I have the taste for pizza.

Pizza and salad for dinner it is!

If it is bad for everyone to use the N word now, is it okay to call everyone mf'ers? *got this from Pam but it tickled me*

Quote from my Cuban coworker that also tickled me: "I know pork, beans, and rice. I don't do tacos, that's that Mexican stuff"

It was Pooka's turn to bring the class snack, I hope they liked the Ginger Snaps.

MMMMMMMM Ginger Snaps and ice cream...

Maybe I should leave at 5:30 tonight. No, I got the appt. Friday so I need to be here till six.

Why are you blogging when you could be working?


Feeling good

I think my body is finally getting itself back to normal from my vacation. I woke up this morning and was energized. My spirits are high and I am ready to take on the day.

Yesterday I found a stash of money I set aside for....something. For the life of me I can't remember what I set the money aside for but I ended up using it to pay on my classes, get some gas, and buy some groceries to get me to the end of the month. I am on a payment plan for summer school which is a good and bad thing. At least I don't have to take out a loan right now. I didn't even know that a payment plan was an option. I went to campus thinking that class started yesterday only to find out that only the law students had class yesterday. It was all good cuz it gave me time to handle all my school related business. I brought the last used book. YAY! My class officially starts today! I already feel good about it. I hope the feeling lasts!

There were some nice discounts at the grocery store. I picked up my rabbit food and some vegan hot dogs. Yeah, vegan hot dogs that are ummmmmm interesting to say the least. I would hear folks say on a radio show I listen to that promotes a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle from time to time say that their alternatives for things taste the same or better than the animal version. Now I can get down with some Boca products. But these vegan hotdogs I got are only edible when you are reallllllly hungry. *sigh* I should have left them on the shelf.

I heard a Missy doing her thing on a song this morning and it makes me wonder...where is Missy Elliott?

That's all :-)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Blessed beyond measure

I was gonna complain about my financial situation, but I won't. I have figured out a way to solve my money issues and whether or not I like my choice stuff is getting taken care of.

Saturday it rained and stormed basically all day so it was a lounge in the house and clean type day.

Mommy's day the clouds were competing with the sun but in all the day turned out nice weather wise. I met up with Lsbnmom and Ladykat for bunch at some spot near my place I never been to. I was running a tad late due to the time I had to sit and wait for my citation from the police...*sigh*

When I left my place Sunday morning I wasn't in the best of moods cuz my mom called and told me a family member passed. I was not that close to the person, but I was still saddened. Then I thought to myself..."well the restaurant is about 5 miles from here, I'll take the car since I haven't driven it in awhile." So that is what I did. So I get on the road and within minutes I see flashing blue lights. My tags are expired, great! So I am on the verge of tears when I get to the restaurant. At the time I was trying to confirm me paying for school and now I gotta scrape up an extra $135 on top of that? Whatever. I wasn't gonna let it spoil my mommy day brunch.

We eat and talk and I found many instances of the convo funny cuz every now and again lsbnmom would chime in on something I've said and be like "I read that on your blog" and smile. LOL Too funny. Ladykat says she is gonna try and be like me and blog everyday. I wonder if she is really gonna do it. I have my doubts but hey, stranger things have happened. :-)

After brunch the one of the countriest ideas gets thrown in the mix. Lsbnmom had the urge to go strawberry picking. Now she had mentioned the idea a few days ago and I was blown away. I didn't know that we even had strawberry patches in Raleigh, but apparently we do. So that is what we did! Pooka nor I have been strawberry picking before so it was a new experience. Pooka had a good time running up and down the rows and I found it to be very therapeutic. I can see me and Pooka doing that again. A good time was had plus you save some dinero on what you pick and I am allllllllll about saving a dollar where I can! Oh then your only paying for the berries you want, at the store you don't know what the berries look like in the middle! So it was all good.

After that I spent some time just chilling with the ladies. Pooka busied herself playing with the new puppy they acquired and that was pretty much it. I chilled until I started to get really tired and wanted to stretch out on my own couch. I got home cut up my berries and pretty much chilled the night out. I did make all my mothers day calls and even returned a call I got from babydaddys mother!!! That kinda surprised me cuz that call wasn't expected. She kinda caught an attitude when I told her that for some reason *shrug*. She wants me to bring Pooka up to NY for a birthday party this summer. It is for the matriarch of their fam and she wants Pooka there so she can see her. I don't know how I feel bout that. I told her I would get up with her son and he can work all that out. When he called me (at 10:30 last night) to wish me a happy mothers day I relayed the message. His response was about money *sigh*. So I am guessing if I don't make a way for Pooka to get up there to see her, she may not see her. That kinda sucks cuz I want Pooka to know and interact with her other grandma and it's not very often that she is on the east coast.

Ummmmm his momma also invited me and her son to her birthday LA...yeah...ummmm....yeah...scratch your head with me now.....WTH? Talking about "I would really like my son to be there." Like I got something to do with that! I told her in a nice way that I most likely will not be in attendance but I would let her son know of her plans. If you haven't guessed by now Babydaddy and his mom don't really connect that well. I am not the middle man for them. If you want to talk to or see Pooka get at me cuz she is most likely with me, but if you want to talk to or see your son. CALL YOUR SON!!!!! His phone is on more likely than not so call him!!!!!! I wanted to say that but I didn't. *sigh*

Anyways, my mothers day was nice and chill. Just how I wanted it. Even if my own sperm donor couldn't waste 30 seconds to call and wish me a good day...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

It's not till Sunday but I doubt my laptop will play nice this weekend so there it is. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms whether you birthed your child(ren) or not and a special shout out to the mom that society don't talk about very much...the single father! On father's day you hear soooooo much about single mothers that play mom and dad, but you don't hear too much about the single fathers out there that play dad and mom. My hat goes off too you!

For my day I got a square tile with a big heart in the middle and multicolored dots around the perimeter. Very cute. My daughter gave it to me wrapped yesterday and I gueeeeeeeess I was supposed to wait till Sunday to open it, but hey, why wait? LOL My grandmother sent me a cute card with 5 bucks in it.

I don't really do the card thing very much so my mom and grandma know not to really expect one. This year for mothers day my mom got her trip to Jamaica and my grandmother got the portion I paid for her enjoyment of Jamaica! LOL

My plans consist of hitting the trail both Sat. and Sun. Gotta work this vacation off. Clean on Sat. and maybe meet up with lsbnmom and ladykat for brunch Sunday. I say maybe cuz right now due to my vacation I am on a budget, a serious budget. So depending on where they decide to go I may bow out. I am watching the baby Sunday night so even if I bow out of brunch, I will still see them that afternoon.

School starts back up on Monday. I am taking another anatomy type course for Summer I and Swimming for Summer II. For the first time since I have began my college career I have to come out of pocket! It's the schools fault IMO, more specifically the Physics Departments fault. At my school to get financial aid during the summer you have to be registered for 6 hours, so I signed up for Physics II (4 hours) and Swimming I (2 hours). No problem. I got my aid package and even had a nice little check coming back my way.

Then it happened. The Physics Dept. decided that they didn't want to offer Physics II during the summer and cancelled it, dropping me to 2 credit hours. I signed up for Muscular Skeletal Anatomy (3 hours) which is the only other course offered in the summer that I need. So that left me at 5 hours and my aid got dropped. Now why didn't I just sign up for easy course to get my hours past 6? Well I thought about that, and (1) I am already taking a filler course in the fall (sign language) and (2) the only filler course I saw for the summer was rhythmic aerobics, and if I signed up for it there would be NO WAY I could work 40 hours at the job. The management staff has been wonderful in allowing me to set my own work schedule, but I know that they are not going to let me work less than a 40hr. week. So I gotta suck it up this semester, which is another reason my budget is so strict right now. I think of it like this. For years I have been basically getting paid to go to school. I can handle one session out of pocket. I will get the money back by time I graduate.

Life just would have been easier if they would not have cancelled the class.

Edit: Since the university can not guarantee I will be a student in the fall despite me all ready being registered for classes, I can not use aid for a future term this term. Thanks for the suggestions anyways dearys :-I *sigh*

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Yeah Mon, no problem.....

Bullet point style cuz I am lazy :-P

-Left work early to get the feet done. Got my favorite chick to hook me up then went home. Cousins were running mad late but picked Pooka and I up eventually.

-Had on some cute red and clear flip flop that we KILLING my feet. Was going to change shoes out but I was riding (I didn't drive at all on the way up like usual!!!! YAY!)so I kept 'em on.

-Got in town, dropped Pooka off at Babydaddys. He was outside waiting (I called and let him know we was close) the exchange took less than a minute. Cousins picked on me about how fast it happened but it's all good :-)

-Got to Grand diva's. Since we were running late we chilled, talked, took our showers and pretty much loaded up to head to the airport.

-Parked, shuttled, all the airport stuff, while walking I notice my boarding pass wasn't right. Them jokers had me going to Kingston vs. Montego Bay! I walk back to check in ready to take care of things and it got taken care of for me. This bothered me cuz I can handle my own most of the time, but I let it go.

-While in line for security it starts to thunder.

-We fly out on time no rain or thunder.

-Had champagne with our plane breakfast.

-Land, go through customs/immigration and realize that not only some Americans but some Jamaicans don't like their jobs. I mean one of the first questions out the first dudes mouth was is this your first time. "Yeah". Then why catch an attitude when I didn't do something right on my form? I didn't know what I was doing! LOL I did the best I could! LOL

-Then this chick has a mad attitude when I was standing to the side waiting for one of my cousins to get through customs/immigration. All she had to tell me was that I couldn't wait for her where I was but I could wait for her downstairs in a normal tone. But nooooooooooo she had to say it to make me wanna slap her. I didn't. Everyone else was sweet as hood Kool aid.

-We cab on the wrong side of the street where the steering wheel is on the right side to our gorgeous resort.

-While checking in Aunt Diva encounters her first and only Jamaican that don't like her job.

-We get to our rooms, adore our view then go to start putting our bracelets to use. We go to the grill *the first of many many times* and start on my jerk ummmm I think I did chicken first. Yummy!

-The waitress we had recommended this drink called Ambassador. Why did she do that? It was soooo good. It is a must for folks that like bananas and sweet drinks! I know I had more of my share of them while I was there and I didn't repeat many drinks the whole trip! LOL

-After everyone got a nice buzz we laid out on beach chairs and took a nap by the beach looking out at the clear water *took a pic of that*

-I don't remember what we did that night. I want to say we saw Nicky OJ *dude w/the leather pants and orange shirt* work it out but I am not sure.

-That morning during breakfast we meet Karlos. Karlos was our server during breakfast the whole time we were there cuz he is the BOMB! I think my cousin has a pic of him, I don't. Anyways, the second day when we went for breakfast we just sat our stuff down and went to the buffet. We didn't see Karlos. Why when we got back to the table all our drinks we ordered the first morning were on the table in the right spots? We didn't sit in the same spots either! We loved it! We didn't even see him, but apparently he saw us! Fabulous I tell you, Fabulous!

-One morning while eating breakfast a guy had fixed his plate, sat it down at his table, then got up for something. When he got up a bird came and took some scrambled eggs off his plate. When he came back my folks and staff told the man what happened. Why this fool say it was okay and ATE THE PLATE!!!!! We were all looking around at one another like "is this fool really eating his plate anyway????" That's how folks be getting sick doing mess like that. There was PLENTY of food for him to make him another plate! EWWWWWWW!

-I tried boiled green bananas and some fish that starts with an "A" that you mix with eggs.

-The fruit was super fresh and all the food I had was simply delish! The jerk cheeseburger I had was a tad salty but okay to eat.

-I had jerk *insert meat of choice* all yummy.

-I drunk 3 non alcoholic drinks the entire trip, LOL 4real!

-My fam did the whole water park thing, Mommy and I passed.

-My cuz and I did the beach thing, fam passed.

-I saw two weddings from my balcony. I don't think either was worth the money they paid to get married there. *took pic of one*

-Met Chris and Mike. They had already been there for 2 weeks when we got there. Must be nice to have $ like that. I don't think they had bracelets on either, I gotta look. Before we met,my cousin and I kept smelling Miss Jane while watching one of the weddings. Chris (blonde) comes out to watch the wedding and asked us if we minded him smoking (how nice of him) we told him no and just started up convo that way. They are soooooo silly. Chris ended up going down the kiddie slide (high as a kite) and jacked up his face. Mike was Mister lover lover and was hanging with various ladies.

-We saw more shows. My favorite female was Nicole. She sang many Whitney tunes and worked them OUT! One other lady was extremely loud. I mean we could still hear her from the room. Normally you can just hear the band if you was paying attention but you heard her.

-Fell asleep on the balcony. I don't do standing heights mind you.

-I don't know what type animal it is, but late late at night I heard many animals making this ummmmm kinda like singing type sound. I can't explain it but I heard a bunch of them.

-The only time we left the resort was to get some coconut water, get souvenirs, and visit the straw market. We didn't have to leave the resort to do the first 2 but did. Our tour guide wasn't as friendly as everyone else and didn't talk very much.

-I didn't party at Marguritaville but we drove pass it and saw a white boy jump off the big trampoline balloon thing. Apparently it is a popular practice for people to get real drunk and jump on and off of these things. *shrug*

-We also saw an American looking dude getting arrested. There was a lady in her bra standing by so I guess they were fighting.

-People at the straw market are very aggressive. They put their hands on you to try and convince you to come look in their booths. They all pretty much had all the same stuff. I became quickly annoyed. I know this is your bread and butter and you gotta hussle but dang! My cousin and aunt said that the second time you go it doesn't bother you as much. I don't know, we'll see.

-I spent wayyyyyyyyyyy too much at the souvenir shop. Which included the shot glass I liked, broke, and decided to give to TTD *cheese* ROFL!

-I tried white overproof rum. It gets warm the moment it's in your mouth. I was kinda scared to swallow it. It wasn't that bad once I did.

-I fell in love with rum cream.

-I got a few offers to twist my hair and decline everyone of them. Can't have many hands in my head.

-I got a compliment on my eyebrows. Not on anything else.

-Aunt Diva, grand diva, and one of my cousins were getting all the love. It's all good tho'.

-Grand diva got on the water slides, got temporary tattoo's (yes plural) and like I said was getting mad love from the men.

-The lady who did her tat's would not believe that she was who she was. My mom and aunt diva were NOT her kids and the rest of us WASN'T her grandkids. LOL! It was real cute cuz she was serious. She wasn't trying to believe it.

-I fell in love with this song that goes "din din din din din din....daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" that's all I could understand! SHERLON!!!! You my resident Jamaican. Tell me what that song is man! I can't find it on the search engines and I wanna have it in my collection! LOL

-Tried Ting and Bigga (local soda's and part of the 3 non alcohol drinks)

-We got on a glass bottom boat. We were a good ways from shore and you could still see straight to the bottom of the Caribbean Sea! It was beautiful. We saw this HUGE sea turtle! I looked until one of my drinks started messing with me. Between the drink, the waves, and the gasoline smell by me, I had to lean my head against something. My cousin and the captain kept asking me if I was okay. I said yeah. I knew I wasn't gonna throw up and we spent a good bit of money to get on the boat so I wasn't gonna mess it up for the rest of the fam. The captain sped through his course anyway. I got off the boat and laid in a beach chair while my fam went to a pool side bar and what else? Got a drink! LOL

-There were many types of trees and plant life on the resort that were labeled. The place was large but I managed to see every part of it before we left.

-I spent some me time on the beach at night...*sigh* I brought me some sand home to remind me of how good that felt.

-I saw big girls, the movie with Monique in it. Also saw most of the Muhammad Ali movie with Will Smith.

-Fam got massages, I passed.

-Had me some pizza with goat cheese. Yummy! I didn't get to try chicken roti :-(*Tantrum's gone again....sigh* Email me if you are reading this chicka!*

-I don't like rum punch. I had this yellow drink that the dude said was rum punch that was great but when I went to 2 other bars to get it again, it was red and not so good *pout*

-Fam did water aerobics, mommy and I passed.

-Pillows were softer than I prefer but the bed was comfy.

-Everyone hated to leave.

-While waiting to check in in the non air conditioned airport, this one guy kept rubbing the lower back and upper ass of his lady. I guess wanting to feel the imprint of the black thong she had on. She stayed in front of him and his eyes stayed on her butt like it had him in a trance or something! I found it very amusing.

-Got a row to myself on the flight back (LOVED IT)

-Mommy got sick off the plane dinner. Sometimes her and rice don't get along. I never knew that.

-When the pilot said "welcome to the United States" I boo'ed and the folks around me laughed.

-Told my mom that I wanted to throw a toddler fit. I really did want to.

-I don't know if our customs are lax or they scanned my bag without me knowing but going through customs/immigration was a breeze and no one opened my suitcase. The chick asked me if I had alcohol, I said yes, she asked how much, I told her, she said okay have a good day!!!! Which made me mad cuz I could have brought more alcohol back with me!!! LOL

-I am not a lush.

-We get to Grand Diva's and since one of my cousins remembered she had to be back in NC for something, we stayed at grand diva's for like an hour (if that) and got on the road. We were all tired. I finally took the wheel around the NC line. I was zoning in and out and almost ran into a pick up. I made it to my place.

-Slept and settled in.

-Gave my friend his souvenir and something very sacred to me, he gave me my *cough* welcome back gift.

-Saw Spiderman

-Life is back to normal :-(_ _ _ _

That's pretty much as much as I can remember right now. I am sure somethings will come back to me in the future. But most of my trip I was lounging, sleeping or eating! I have my button unbuttoned on my pants to prove it! LOL Thank goodness all the fast food, resort food, and drink is to the left and I picked up my handy dandy rabbit food to put back in the fridge. Oh and I am taking swimming during the second summer session and fall semester at school, so I am gonna lose this vacation stuff pretty easy. School is an entry by itself. I won't go there right now.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Back in these United States :-(

Here is a lil sumtin sumtin. As I sit here I am having such a hard time trying to figure out where to start in blogging about this trip!!!!!! It was simply amazing!!!! Period.

More pics to come once my peeps send me what they got. Many of my pics didn't come out right (darn disposable) and others are pics of the fam and I don't have permission to put them on the net.

I am going to have to do the best I can with my typed out recap. I already know I am going to forget stuff!